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How To Say What Is Your Name In French

How To Ask “What Is Your Name” In French

“What is your name? in French is: “Comment vous appelez-vous?”. This is the formal way of asking. The informal way is: “Comment t’appelles-tu ?”. This post will explore different ways of asking somebody their name in French as well as how to say, “My name is” (Je m’appelle). Keep reading!

What Is Your Name In French? Complete Guide.

How To Ask, “What Is Your Name?” In French

“Comment vous appelez-vous ?” pronunciation

Before we go any further, let’s learn how to pronounce “Comment vous appelez-vous ?”. This is the fomral form of “What is your name?”. The pronunciation is as follows: koh-moh-vooh-zah-play-vooh? This page on Forvo offers several good audio samples.

The following video shows how to pronounce, Bonjour (hello), comment vous appelez-vous ?”.

Comment t’appelles-tu ? Pronunciation

Now we’ll look at how to pronounce “Comment t’appelles-tu ?”. This is the informal singular form of “What is your name?”. The pronunciation is: “Koh-moh tah-pehl-tew?”. This page on Forvo gives several good audio samples.

One important note: In addition to “Comment t’appelles-tu ?”, you can also say, “Comment tu t’appelles?”. These two ways of asking are synonymous.

The following video does a great job teaching how to pronounce, “Comment t’appelles-tu ?”.

Other ways to ask somebody their name

In addition to what we’ve just learned, there are a few other ways to ask somebody their name. The “c’est quoi” format below is considered less formal language.

  • C’est quoi ton nom ? What’s your name? (informal, singular)
  • Quel est ton nom ? What’s your name (informal, singular)
  • C’est quoi votre nom ? What’s you name (formal, plural)
  • Quel est votre nom ? What’s your name (formal, plural)
Two ways to ask, "What is your name?" in French: Comment vous appelez-vous? (formal); Comment t'appelles-tu? (informal).

How To Say “My Name Is” In French

In French, to say “my name is”, say “Je m’appelle” then add you name. The pronunciation of Je m’appelle is: zhuh mah-pehl. This page on our site covers how to say my name is in French in detail.

Exploring the verb “s’appeler” (to be called)

By now you’ve probably noticed that all of these expressions having to do with “my name is”, etc. all use the verb appeler (to call). In the reflexive form “s’appeler” translates literally to “to be called”. Hence, “Je m’appelle” literally means “I call myself.

The following table examines “s’appeler” with pronunciation and translations.

S'appeler = to be calledTranslationPronunciation
Je m'appelleMy name iszhuh mah-pehl
Tu t'appellesYou name is (singular, informal)tew tah-pehl
Il/elle/on s'appelleHe/she/one is namedeel/ehl/ohn sah-pehl
Nous nous appelonsOur names arenoo noo zah-plohn
Vous vous appelezYour names are (formal, plural)voo vou zah-play
Ils/elles s'appellentTheir names areeel/ehl sah-pehl

Here are a few sample sentences using the verb “s’appeler”.

  • Je m’appelle Sylvie. My name is Sylvie.
  • Tu t’appelles Pierre. Your name is Pierre.
  • Il s’appelle Martin. His name is Martin.
  • Elle s’appelle Julie. Her nams is Julie.
  • Nous nous appelons Marc et Pierre. Our names are Marc and Pierre.
  • Vous vous appelez Sylvie et Julie. Your names are Sylvie and Julie.
  • Ils s’appellent Martin et Julie. Their names are Martin and Julie.
  • Elles s’appellent Sylvie et Julie. Their names are Sylvie and Julie.

Take your French to the next level!
Take your French learning to the next level. In this lesson you can learn how to say, “How are you?” in French. This lesson explores French greetings in detail and this lesson explores ways of saying goodbye.

If you’re looking for a useful and methodically written audio course, we’d strongly suggest FrenchToday’s French Greetings & Politeness course, written by our personal friend, Camille!

Discover more:

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site,, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

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