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French Train Vocabulary & Phrases

French train vocabulary and phrases

Taking the train in France can be quite intimidating! Here you’ll find a list of vocabulary and phrases you’ll need to get started for your trip. These terms cover both buying tickets and things you’ll need to stay while in the train. Bon voyage!

Image of a train in France

Tickets & Information

  • Je voudrais un billet pour Paris. I’d like ticket for Paris.
  • un aller, un aller-retour a one-way ticket, a roundtrip ticket
  • première/deuxième classe first, second class
  • Je voudrais reserver une place/deux places. I’d like reserve a seat/two seats.
  • une couchette berth
  • une place en wagon-lit a berth in the sleeping car
  • Combien coûte le billet? How much does the ticket cost?
  • Puis je avoir un remboursement? May I have a refund?
  • Quel est le prix du billet pour La Rochelle? What’s the price of a ticket for La Rochelle?
  • À quelle heure/quand part le train pour Strasbourg? What time/when does the train for Strasbourg leave?
  • À quelle heure est-ce que le train arrive a Paris? What time does the train arrive in Paris?
  • Est-ce que je dois changer de train? Do I need to change trains?
  • Est-ce qu’il y a un wagon-restaurant? Is there a dining car?
  • Est-ce que le train part à l’heure? Is the train leaving on time?
  • Avez-vous un horaire? Do you have a schedule?
  • De quel quai part le train pour Lille? What platform does the train for Lille leave from?
  • Sur quel quai arrive le train de Montpelier? What platform does the train from Montpelier arrive at?
  • Est-ce que j’ai assez de temps pour changer de train? Do I have enough time to change trains?
  • Est-ce que c’est un train direct? Is it a direct train?

In the train

  • Pardon, je pense que c’est ma place. Excuse me, I think this is my seat.
  • Cette place est occupée. This seat is taken.
  • Nous sommes à quelle gare? Which station are we at?
  • Pouvez-vous me le dire quand nous arrivons à Nantes? Can you tell me when we arrive in Nantes?
  • J’ai la place côté fenêtre. I have the window seat.
  • Le train est en retard. The train is late.
  • Où est le wagon-restaurant? Where is the dining car?


  • Pouvez-vous m’aider avec mes bagages? Can you help me with my luggage?
  • Est-ce qu’il y a une consigne automatique? Is there a luggage locker?
  • Puis-je déposer mes bagages? May I leave my luggage?
  • Je voudrais faire enregistrer mes bagages. I’d like to check my bags.
  • Je cherche a chartiot à bagages. I’m looking for a trolley.
  • un porteur a porter

Useful vocabulary

  • fumeurs smoking section
  • non-fumeurs non-smoking section
  • un train express long-distance, express train making few stops
  • un train régional a train making many stops
  • une couchette a berth
  • un wagon-lit sleeping car
  • le quai platform
  • changer à change at…
  • une correspondance a connection

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site,, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

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