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French Rooms in the House Vocabulary

In French, the rooms in the house vocabulary: la chambre à coucher (bedroom), la cuisine (kitchen), le salon (living room), la salle de bains or le WC (bathroom). This page explains the vocabulary for the rooms in French in detail.

French rooms in the house: 25+ useful words.

les pièces de la maison

If you’re a guest in a French family’s home it would be very useful to get acquainted with the various vocabulary words for the rooms in the house.

The French spend an incredible amount of time in both the la cuisine (kitchen) and la salle à manger (dining room) so it would be a good idea to get to know these works!

Notes rooms in the house

Une pièce vs. une chambre

The words pièce and chambre are easy to confuse. Une pièce means room and can be used for any room in the house.

Une chambre, however, refers only to bedroom. Hence, the complete term for bedroom is ‘une chambre à coucher’ or literally a room for going to bed.

Bathroom: la salle de bains, le WC.

Le W.C. vs. les toilettes and la salle de bains

In French there are several ways to say bathroom and it is important to know the difference between the terms.

La salle de bains refers to a private complete bathroom where family members take showers and prepare for the day.

The W.C. refers to a very small space with just a toilet, sink and mirror. The W.C. also written le WC and le W.-C. is often down the hallway from the dining room or kitchen.

The French also refer to the bathroom as les toilettes. Hence, to ask to use the bathroom in a private home it’s best to say “Où es le W.C., s’il vous plaît?” (where is the WC?) or “Où sont les toilettes, s’il vous plaît?”.

My friend, Camille, at does a great job covering the topic of talking about the bathroom on her blog post: The Right Way To Ask “Where Is The Bathroom” In French & Tips.

Le jardin vs. le potager

While not a room in the house, it is important to understand the difference between jardin and potager. In French, jardin refers to the yard.

Hence, the French use the word jardin much like the British use the word garden. However, a the word potager refers to what Americans call a garden or vegetable garden.

Where is the bathroom in French: "Où son les toilettes, s'il vous plaît?".

Vocabulary list

  • eh haut upstairs
  • en bas downstairs
  • l’escalier stairs
  • la bibliothèque library
  • la buanderie utility room
  • la cave cellar
  • la chambre bedroom
  • la chambre d’amis guest room
  • la chambre d’enfant, la nursery nursery
  • la cuisine kitchen
  • la pièce room
  • la remise, le débarras storage room
  • la salle à manger dining room
  • la salle de bains bathroom
  • la salle de jeux playroom
  • la salle de séjour living room
  • la terrasse patio
  • le balcon balcony
  • le bureau de travail office, study
  • le couloir hallway
  • le foyer foyer
  • le garage garage
  • le grenier attic
  • le salon living room
  • le sous-sol basement
  • le WC WC
  • les combles (m) loft
  • les toilettes bathroom
  • la salle de jeux games room

Let’s review the rooms in the house:

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site,, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

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