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Top 10 French Expressions With Coup

Top 10 French Expressions With Coup

Top-10 French Expressions Using The Word “Coup”

The French word “coup” has a litteral meaning of hit, blow or strike. It is an extremely versatile word and is used in countless expressions. In this brief lesson we’ll look at the top-ten French expressions using the word coup with example sentences.

1 . Ça vaut le coup = it’s worth it, worthwhile, worth the trouble
On achète la nouvelle voiture? Oui, ça vaut le coup!
Shall we buy the new car? Yes, it’s worth it!

2. Boire un coup = to have a drink
On boit un coup ensemble après le travail ce soir?
Shall we have a drink together after work tonight?

3. Jeter un coup d’œil = to look, glance, peep
Je jette un coup d’œil, c’est tout.
I’m just looking.

4. Coup de foudre = Love at first sight, literally a lightning strike
Quand j’ai connu ta mère, ça a été le coup de foudre!
When I met your mom it was love at first sight!

5. Donner un coup de fil à quelqu’un = to call somebody
Je te donne un coup de fil ce soir, d’accord?
I’ll call you tonight, okay?

6. Donner un coup de main à quelqu’un = to help somebody out, give a hand
Donne-moi un coup de main, s’il te plaît.
Give me a hand, please.

7. Attraper un coup de soleil = to get a sunburn
Je passe trop de temps à la plage et j’attrape un coup de soleil.
I’m spending too much time at the beach and I’m getting a sunburn.

8. Tout d’un coup = all of a sudden
Tout d’un coup, je me sentais très fatigué.
All of a sudden I felt very tired.

9. Un coup de feu = gunshot
Soudainement, j’ai entendu un coup de feu.
Suddenly I heard a gunshot.

10. Un coup de pouce = a helping hand
Je donne un coup de pouce à mon oncle dans la maison.
I give my uncle a helping hand in the house.

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site,, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

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