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How To Pronounce ENT in French

How To Pronounce ENT in French

In today’s lesson I’ll explain how to pronounce ENT in French. While the rule is very simple, even advanced students can accidentally pronounce the ENT when it should be silent. The rule is: don’t pronounce the ENT on the end of a verb in the ils/elles form. Pronounce it on the end of an adverb.

ENT pronunciation in French

ENT pronunciation in French

Example sentences


For verbs in the third-person plural (ils/elles) form, never pronounce the ENT. It is completely silent. For example, in ils restent (they stay), end the pronunciation on the T. For ils voyagent (they travel), end the word on the soft G.

Ils ne restent pas à la maison parce qu’ils voyagent.

They’re not staying home because they’re traveling.

This same rule applies for the the following two example sentences. The ENT is silent on the ends of parlent (speak), doivent (must) and adorent (love) as the verbs are conjugated in the ils/elles form.

Les touristes ne parlent pas français. Ils doivent apprendre.

The tourists don’t speak French. They must learn.

Les enfants adorent jouer ensemble.

The kids love playing together.


Always pronounce the ENT on the end of adverbs with the nasal sound [ã]. Camille at French Today covers the pronunciation of the French nasal sounds in this lesson. This final example uses rien (nothing, anything), which I cover in this lesson.

Parlez lentement, s’il vous plaît. Je ne comprends rien !

Speak slowly, please. I don’t understand anything!


Et voilà ! Now you know how to pronounce ENT in French. Now you might be interested in a related lessson covering the 25 hardest words to pronounce in French.

Explanation of the ENT pronunciation rule in French

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site,, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

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