8 Ways To Use  "Ça Va" In  Spoken French

Ça Va Meaning

The French greeting “ça va” (pronounced sah-vah) in English literally means “it goes” or “that goes”. Ça va is used commonly in everyday informal French greetings.

To ask somebody how they're doing you can ask: Comment ça va?

How's it going?

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You can also say: Salut, ça va?

Hi! How’s it going?

Or, you can simply say: Ça va? How's it going?

If you’re doing you well, you can say: Oui, ça va merci!

Fine, thank you!

If you’re not doing you well, you can say: Non, ça ne va pas.

I’m not going well.

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If you’re doing well you can say: Ça va bien, merci.

I'm doing well, thank you.

If you’re not doing well you can say: Ça ne va pas.

I'm not doing well.

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If you’re doing just ok, you can say: Ça va comme ci, comme ça.

I'm so-so.

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