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Air Travel – French Conversation Lesson

Air Travel – French Conversation Lesson

Air travel can cause a lot of fear for some people while other people absolutely love it. Here’s a list of questions which you can use for an entire French discussion class on the topic.

French conversation - air travel
  1. Quel âge avais‐tu la première fois que tu as pris l’avion? Où es‐tu allé(e) et décris l’experience. How old were you the first time you flew? Where did you go and describe the experience.
  2. Aimes‐tu voyager en avion? Oui ou non et pourquoi? Do you like traveling by airplane? Yes or now and why?
  3. As‐tu peur de voyager en avion? Oui ou non et pourquoi? Are you afraid of flying? Yes or now and why?
  4. Voyages‐tu souvent ou rarement en avion? Do you take the plane often or rarely?
  5. Si tu pouvais prendre un vol gratuit pour aller n’importe où dans le monde où irais‐tu? If you could take a free flight to go anywhere, where would you go?
  6. As‐tu une compagnie aérienne (airline) préférée? Quelle est la compagnie et pourquoi est‐ce que tu l’aimes? Do you have a favorite airline? Which company and why do you like it?
  7. As‐tu des points de fidélité accordés par une compagnie aérienne? Est‐ce que tu les utilises? Do you have airmiles with any airline?
  8. Quel est le vol (flight) le plus long que tu as pris dans ta vie? Où es‐tu allé(e)? What’s the longest flight you’ve taken in your life?
  9. Dors‐tu bien dans l’avion? Comment aimes‐tu passer ton temps pendant le vol? Do you sleep well in the plane? What do you like to do during the flight?
  10. As‐tu déjà voyagé avec des petits enfants? Est‐ce que ça s’est bien passé? Have you ever traveled with young children? Did it go well?
  11. Parles‐tu avec les passagers à côté de toi? As‐tu connu quelqu’un d’interessant dans l’avion? Do you chat with the passengers next to you? Have you ever met somebody interesting during a flight?
  12. Aimes‐tu la nourriture dans l’avion? As‐tu commandé quelque chose de spécial? Do you like the means in the plane? Have you ever ordered a special meal?
  13. Quelle est la plus belle vue que tu aies vue de l’avion? What’s the most beautiful view you’ve seen from the plane?
  14. As‐tu déjà vécu un incident dangereux dans l’air? Qu’est‐ce qui s’est passé? Have you ever had a dangerous experience in the plane? What happened?
  15. As‐tu déjà été bloqué (have you ever got stuck) dans un aéroport? Qu’est‐ce qui s’est passé? Have you ever been stuck in an airport? hat happened?
  16. Habites‐tu loin ou près de l’aéroport? Comment te rends‐tu à l’aéroport quand tu voyages? Do you live near or far from an airport? How do you get to the airport when you travel?
  17. As‐tu déjà manqué un avion? Qu’est‐ce qui s’est passé? Have you ever missed a flight? What happened?
  18. As tu rencontré quelqu’un d’embêtant dans l’avion? Qu’est‐ce qui s’est passé? Have you ever met an annoying person in the plane? What happened?
  19. As‐tu déjà volé dans un petit avion? As‐tu aimé l’experience? Have you ever flown in a small plane? Share the experience.
  20. Connais‐tu les avions en générale? Par example, les avions de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale? Do you know much about planes? World War Two planes, for example?
  21. Aimerais‐tu travailler comme un membre de l’équipage Oui ou non et pourquoi? Would you like to be a member of a flight’s crew? Yes or no and why?
  22. Aimerais‐tu apprendre piloter un avion? Oui ou non et pourquoi? Connais tu un pilote? Would you like to know how to pilot a plane? Yes or no and why? Do you know any pilotes?
  23. Si tu dois choisir entre l’avion et le train quel mode de transport choisirais‐tu? If you had to chose between flying and train travel which would you choose?
  24. As‐tu déjà fait des rêves de voyager en avion? Decris le rêve. Have you ever had flying dreams? Describe the dream.
  25. As‐tu fait le parachutisme (skydiving)? Aimerais‐tu l’essayer? Have you ever gone skydiving? Would you like to try it?

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site,, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

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