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One of the subjects that we enjoy discussing the most is our childhoods. Here’s a great opportunity to practice French conversation on this topic. You may find this lesson especially useful to practice the imparfait and the passé composé when constructing your sentences.


1. Où êtes‐vous né(e)? Quand êtes‐vous né(e)? Where were you born? When were you born?

2. Avez‐vous une bonne mémoire de votre enfance? Est‐ce que vous vous rappelez des événements (events) facilement? Do you have a good memory of your childhood? Do you remember events easily?

3. Comment est‐ce que votre personnalité a changé depuis votre enfance? Avez‐vous la même personalité ou avez‐vous beaucoup changé? How has your personality changed since your childhood? Do you ahve the same personality or has it changed a lot? 

4. Avez‐vous eu une enfance heureuse? Did you have a happy childhood?

5. Où avez‐vous vécu pendant votre enfance? Déménagiez‐vous souvent ou êtes-vous resté(e) dans la même ville? Where did you live during your childhood? Did you move often or did you stay in the same city?

6. Aviez‐vous un nounou préféré? Comment s’appelait votre nounou? Did you have a babysitter? What was the babysitter’s name?

7. Aviez‐vous un surnom quand vous étiez petit(e)? Pourquoi est‐ce qu’on vous donné ce surnom? Did you have a nickname when you were little? Why were you called this nickname?

8. Qui était votre prof préféré et pourquoi? Who was your favorite teacher and why?

9. Quelle était votre matière préférée et pourquoi? What was your favorite school subject and why?

10. Étiez‐vous un bon(ne) élève ou un mauvais(e) élève? Aviez‐vous de bonnes ou mauvaises notes à l’école? Where you a good or bad student? Did you get good or bad grades at school?

11. Aimiez‐vous votre école? Oui ou non et pourquoi? Did you like your school? Yes or no and why?

12. Quel était votre jeu préféré et pourquoi? Avec qui jouiez‐vous le jeu? What was your favorite game and why? Who did you play the game with?

13. Rencontriez‐vous des amis facilement ou avec de la difficulté? Aviez‐vous beaucoup d’amis? Où rencontriez‐vous vos amis? Did you meet friends easily or with difficulty? Did you have a lot of friends? Where did you used to meet your friends?

14. Jouiez‐vous plus dehors (outside) ou à l’interieur? Quelles activités faisiez‐vous dehors? Did you used to play more inside or outside? What activities did you do outside?

15. Aimiez‐vous regarder la télé? Aviez‐vous un programme préféré? Did you used to watch TV? What was your favorite TV show?

16. Quel est votre film préféré de votre enfance? What was your favorite movie from your childhood?

17. Aviez‐vous beaucoup de jouets ou peu de jouets? Quel était votre jouet préféré? Did you have a lot or few toys? What was your favorite toy?

18. À quel âge avez vous appris à faire du vélo sans petites roues? Qui vous a enseigné à faire du vélo? How old were you when you learned to ride a bike without training wheels? Who taught you how to ride a bike?

19. À quel âge avez vous appris à nager? Où étiez‐vous? Avez‐vous pris des leçons? How old were you when you learned how to swim? Where were you? Did you take swimming lessons?

20. Que faisiez‐vous pendant les vacances d’été et d’hiver? What did you used to do during winter vacations?

21. Aviez‐vous un plat (dish) préféré? Qu’est‐ce que vous amiez manger? Did you used to have a favorite dish? What did you like to eat?

22. Quand vous étiez jeune quel métier vouliez‐vous faire plus tard? When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up?

French conversation lessons | Lessons by David Issokson

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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