Today we’ll look at the feminine noun la cuisine, which translates to “kitchen”, “cooking”, “food. Cuisiner is also a verb, meaning “to cook”.
la cuisine
cooking, food, kitchen

Word origin
The modern French word cuisine comes from cŏcīna (cooking, art of cookery, kitchen) in Latin.
The pronunciation of cuisine is [kɥizin] or kwee-zeen.
Example sentences
Où est Sylvie ? – Elle est dans la cuisine.
Where is sylvie? She’s in the kitchen.
This second example sentence uses the regular ER verb cuisiner (to cook).
Qu’est-ce qu’elle est en train de faire ? Elle cuisine pour toute la famille.
What is she doing? She’s cooking for the entire family.
When refering to the food of a pays (country) or region, you must use the word la cuisine and not la nourriture, which also means food. In this context, cuisine is a word the English borrowed from French.
Préférez-vous la cuisine française ou la cuisine italienne ?
Do you prefer French or Italian food?
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