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French Word of the Day – Mot du Jour
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French Word of the Day Archive
Date | French | English |
2025/01/14 | attention | watch out, look out |
2025/01/12 | la phrase | sentence |
2025/01/10 | efficace | effective, efficient |
2025/01/08 | draguer | to pick up, to hit on |
2025/01/05 | la monnaie | currency, change (coins) |
2025/01/03 | je voudrais | I'd like |
2025/01/02 | actuellement | currently, at the moment |
2025/01/01 | les bonnes résolutions | new years resolutions |
2024/12/31 | bonne année | happy new year |
2024/12/29 | librairie | bookstore |
2024/12/27 | crevé | exhausted |
2024/12/25 | s'éclater | to have a blast |
2024/12/18 | Sapin de Noël | Christmas tree |
2024/12/16 | Père Noël | Santa Claus |
2024/12/14 | sensible | sensitive |
2024/12/06 | blessé | injured |
2024/12/03 | bonsoir | good evening |
2024/12/03 | les info | news |
2024/12/03 | propre | clean, own |
2024/11/20 | l'hiver | winter |
2024/11/19 | craquer | to give in |
2024/11/19 | préservatif | condom |
2024/11/14 | ancien | old, former |
2024/11/14 | se mettre à | to start |
2024/11/13 | l'occasion | chance, opportunity |
2024/11/05 | aucun | None, not one, any |
2024/11/03 | combien | how much, how many |
2024/11/02 | la location | rental |
2024/10/30 | remettre | to hand over, postpone |
2024/10/29 | prochain | next |
2024/10/27 | dès | starting from |
2024/10/25 | ouf | crazy |
2024/10/25 | manquer | to miss, to lack |
2024/10/24 | passer | to pass |
2024/10/21 | alors que | while |
2024/10/20 | kiffer | to like |
2024/10/15 | boulot | job, work |
2024/10/14 | milieu | middle, center |
2024/10/11 | gourmand | foodie, eats a lot |
2024/10/09 | tant que | as long as, since |
2024/10/08 | espèce de | used for insults |
2024/10/04 | | neither...nor |
2024/10/02 | de toute façon | de toute façon |
2024/10/01 | aurores boréales | northern lights |
2024/09/26 | décevoir | to disappoint |
2024/09/24 | gérer | to manage |
2024/09/21 | automne | fall, autumn |
2024/09/20 | endroit | place |
2024/09/16 | s'agir de | to be about |
2024/09/15 | quand même | still, anyway |
2024/09/14 | traîner | to drag, to hang around |
2024/09/12 | servir | to serve |
2024/09/10 | suivre | to follow |
2024/09/08 | avoir failli | to almost |
2024/09/07 | sentir | to feel, to smell |
2024/09/06 | bourré | drunk |
2024/09/02 | machin | thing |
2024/09/01 | tenir | to hold |
2024/08/31 | sinon | otherwise, if not |
2024/08/28 | donc | so, therefore, thus |
2024/08/27 | au dessus, en dessous | above, below |
2024/08/23 | flâner | to stroll, laze about |
2024/08/22 | autrui | others, other people |
2024/08/21 | chat | cat |
2024/08/19 | eau | water |
2024/08/13 | si | yes |
2024/08/12 | car | because, for, as |
2024/08/09 | médaille | medal |
2024/08/08 | arrondissement | city district |
2024/08/07 | gymnastique | gymnastics |
2024/08/05 | auprès de | near, close to, beside |
2024/07/29 | Léon Marchand | Léon Marchand |
2024/07/29 | Les Champs-Élysées | Les Champs-Élysées |
2024/07/25 | tandis que | whereas, while |
2024/07/22 | cuisine | kitchen, cooking, food |
2024/07/21 | fille | girl, daughter |
2024/07/18 | joie | joy |
2024/07/16 | rue | street, road |
2024/07/11 | piscine | swimming pool |
2024/07/08 | enfant | kid, child |
2024/07/06 | pendant | during |
2024/07/03 | encore | again, still, yet |
2024/07/01 | fois | time |
2024/06/28 | quoique | even though, although |
2024/06/25 | plutôt | rather |
2024/06/23 | pour que | so that, in order that |
2024/06/20 | plusieurs | several |
2024/06/19 | souvent | often |
2024/06/17 | allemand | German |
2024/06/16 | vie | life |
2024/06/15 | pourvu que | provided that |
2024/06/14 | Paris | Paris |
2024/06/13 | avec | with |
2024/06/11 | chien | dog |
2024/06/10 | glace | ice cream, mirror |
2024/06/09 | voiture | car |
2024/06/08 | aéroport | airport |
2024/06/07 | répéter | repeat |
2024/06/06 | famille | family |
2024/06/05 | voisin | neighbor |
2024/06/04 | trop | Too, too much, too many |
2024/06/03 | grand-père | grandfather |
2024/06/01 | vraiment | really |
2024/05/31 | courage | courage, bravery |
2024/05/30 | paresseux | lazy |
2024/05/29 | coucou | hi there! |
2024/05/26 | faim | hunger, hungry |
2024/05/26 | se détendre | to relax |
2024/05/24 | se tromper | to mistaken, get wrong |
2024/05/23 | s'occuper | to take care of |
2024/05/21 | se méfier | to be wary of |
2024/05/20 | père | father |
2024/05/19 | alcool | alcohol |
2024/05/17 | je m'appelle | my name is |
2024/05/16 | collège | junior high school |
2024/05/13 | bon appétit | enjoy your meal |
2024/05/12 | roi | king |
2024/05/10 | américain | American |
2024/05/09 | zut! | shoot! darn! |
2024/05/08 | toutefois | however |
2024/05/06 | repas | meal |
2024/05/05 | malgré | inspite, despite of |
2024/05/04 | blanc, blanche | white |
2024/05/03 | lycée | high school |
2024/05/02 | s'en aller | to leave, go, be off |
2024/05/01 | histoire | story, history |
2024/04/30 | quelque chose | something |
2024/04/29 | beurre | butter |
2024/04/28 | mer | sea |
2024/04/26 | maison | maison |
2024/04/24 | fils | son |
2024/04/23 | penser | to think |
2024/04/19 | mot | word |
2024/04/17 | sortir | to go out |
2024/04/16 | commander | to order |
2024/04/15 | déménager | to move out |
2024/04/14 | temps | time |
2024/04/12 | août | August |
2024/04/11 | ouest | west |
2024/04/10 | foutre | to do (slang) |
2024/04/09 | jusqu'à | until |
2024/04/08 | printemps | spring |
2024/04/06 | lors de | at the time of |
2024/04/05 | meilleur | better, best |
2024/04/04 | Californie | California |
2024/04/03 | emprunter | to borrow |
2024/04/02 | enfoiré | b*stard, jerk |
2024/04/01 | n'importe quoi | anything, nonsense |
2024/03/31 | montagne | mountain |
2024/03/28 | jamais | never |
2024/03/27 | bien que | even though, although |
2024/03/26 | neige | snow |
2024/03/25 | chocolat | chocolate |
2024/03/23 | vivre | to live |
2024/03/22 | cheveux | hair |
2024/03/21 | demander | to ask for |
2024/03/20 | l’œil, les yeux | eye, eyes |
2024/03/19 | congé | time off |
2024/03/18 | maintenant | now |
2024/03/17 | ville | city |
2024/03/16 | j'aurais dû | I should have |
2024/03/15 | langue | language, tongue |
2024/03/14 | devrais | should |
2024/03/13 | en | some (pronoun) |
2024/03/12 | œuf | egg |
2024/03/11 | grand-mère | grandmother |
2024/03/10 | café | coffee |
2024/03/07 | Jeux Olympiques | Olympic Games |
2024/03/06 | rien | nothing, anything |
2024/03/05 | été | summer, was, have been |
2024/03/04 | ||
2024/03/03 | guerre | war |
2024/03/01 | wifi | Wi-Fi |
2024/02/29 | retraité | retired |
2024/02/28 | péter | to fart |
2024/02/26 | monsieur | sir, mr. |
2024/02/26 | heureusement | fortunately |
2024/02/25 | bof | meh, nah |
2024/02/24 | que | what, that, than |
2024/02/23 | vachement | really, so, very |
2024/02/22 | français | French |
2024/02/19 | cependant | however, yet |
2024/02/17 | puis | then, finally |
2024/02/17 | soit | be |
2024/02/16 | bête | silly, stupid |
2024/02/14 | sauf | except |
2024/02/13 | pays | country |
2024/02/12 | se vanter | to brag, boast |
2024/02/11 | je t'aime | I love you |
2024/02/10 | piquer | to Sting, bite, jab |
2024/02/09 | télécharger | to download |
2024/02/07 | bavarder | to chat |
2024/02/06 | en ligne | online |
2024/02/05 | bagnole | car |
2024/02/04 | afin | so that, In order to |
2024/02/03 | frais | cool, fresh, fee |
2024/02/2 | cours | lesson, class |
2024/02/02 | maman | mom |
2024/02/01 | dingue | crazy |
2024/01/31 | râler | to moan, groan |
2024/01/30 | pourtant | yet, however |
2024/01/29 | poser | to put, ask (a question) |
2024/01/28 | puisque | since |
2024/01/26 | sûr | sure, certain, safe |
2024/01/24 | joindre | to join |
2024/01/23 | truc | thing |
2024/01/22 | cœur | heart |
2024/01/20 | déjà | already |
2024/01/19 | tant pis | too bad, oh well |
2024/01/18 | chemin | path, way, road |
2024/01/16 | profiter | to enjoy |
2024/01/15 | heure | hour |
2024/01/13 | toujours | always |
2024/01/10 | côté | side |
2024/01/09 | assez | enough, rather |
2024/01/08 | rendre | to give back |
2024/01/07 | essayer | to try |
2024/01/05 | feignant | lazy |
2024/01/04 | peut être | maybe |
2024/01/03 | ranger | to tidy, clean, put away |
2024/01/02 | quitter | to leave |
2024/01/01 | visiter vs. rendre visite | to visit |
2023/12/31 | que veut dire? | How do you say? |
2023/12/29 | vers, envers | towards |
2023/12/28 | ainsi | like this, in this way |
2023/12/26 | projet | plan, project |
2023/12/25 | pièce | room, piece, coin |
2023/12/24 | boîte | box, can |
2023/12/22 | je veux | I want |
2023/12/19 | journée | day |
2023/12/17 | gagner | to win, earn money |
2023/12/16 | joyeux noël | merry Christmas |
2023/12/14 | beaucoup | a lot, many |
2023/12/13 | vacances | vacation |
2023/12/11 | aujourd'hui | today |
2023/12/09 | bosser | to work hard |
2023/12/08 | demain | tomorrow |
2023/12/05 | chiant | annoying |
2023/12/04 | drôle | funny, weird |
2023/12/03 | mec | guy |
2023/11/27 | rester | to stay |
2023/11/25 | gens vs. personnes | people |
2023/11/24 | nul, nulle | lousy |
2023/11/24 | marcher | to walk, work, function |
2023/11/20 | ailleurs vs. d'ailleurs | elsewhere, for that matter |
2023/11/19 | en revanche vs. par contre | on the other hand |
2023/11/13 | formidable | terrific, great |
2023/11/10 | se débrouiller | to get buy, to manage |
2023/11/06 | qui | who |
2023/11/05 | an vs. année | year |
2023/11/03 | bonne chance | good luck |
2023/11/03 | très bien | very well, very good |
2023/11/02 | alors | so, then |
2023/10/27 | quoi | what |
2023/10/25 | bonjour | hello |
2023/10/24 | bienvenue | welcome |
2023/10/21 | heureux | happy |
2023/10/18 | moi | me |
2023/10/17 | beau, belle | beautiful |
2023/10/12 | de rien | you're welcome |
2023/10/08 | bon anniversaire | happy birthday |
2023/10/04 | lui | him |
2023/09/33 | avoir envie | to want, to fancy |
2023/09/27 | depuis | since |
2023/09/20 | en train de | to be doing something |
2023/09/12 | chez | at the home of |
2023/09/11 | salut | hi, buy |
2023/09/05 | ça va | fine, how's it going? |
2023/09/05 | au revoir | goodbye |
2023/09/03 | enchanté | nice to meet you |
2023/08/31 | touché | touché |
2023/08/29 | santé | cheers |
2023/08/27 | avoir besoin | avoir besoin |
2023/08/26 | il faut | to be necessary |
2023/08/25 | d'accord | okay, all right, agreed |
2023/08/18 | excusez-moi | excuse me |
2023/08/15 | argent | money |
2022/11/04 | ami | friend |
2022/06/22 | voilà | voilà |
2022/02/28 | s’il vous plaît | please |
2022/02/18 | bonne nuit | good night |
French Expressions Archive
French | English |
à force de | by dint of, through doing |
à mon avis | in my opinion |
à peine | hardly, barely |
a priori | at first glance |
à table | Come and get it! |
à tes souhaits | bless you |
à un moment donné | at some point |
arriver dans un fauteuil | to win easily |
au cas où | just in case |
au diable | miles from anywhere |
au nez et à la barbe de quelqu’un | right under somebody’s nose |
avaler des couleuvres | easily persuaded |
avoir bon dos | to take the blame |
avoir d’autres chats à fouetter | to have bigger fish to fry |
avoir du bol | to be lucky |
avoir du mal à | to have difficulty doing |
avoir du pain sur la planche | to have a lot on your plate |
avoir du plomb dans l’aile | to be in a bad way |
avoir hâte de | to look forward to, can't wait |
avoir de la bouteille | to have been around for a long time, old |
avoir la chair de poule | to have goose bumps |
avoir la dalle | to be very hungry |
avoir la flemme | to be lazy, can’t be bothered |
avoir la gueule de bois | to have a hangover |
avoir la langue bien pendue | to be a gossip |
avoir la moutarde qui monte au nez | hot under the collar |
avoir la peche | to feel great |
avoir l'air | to seem |
avoir le cafard | to be down in the dumps |
avoir le cœur sur la main | to have a heart of gold |
avoir le couteau sous la gorge | to be under the gun |
avoir le cul bordé de nouilles | to be extremely lucky |
avoir le vent en poupe | to have the wind in your sails |
les dents longues | to be fiercely ambitious |
avoir les deux pieds dans le même sabot | to sit back and do nothing |
avoir les jetons | to be petrified |
avoir l’estomac dans les talons | to be very hungry |
avoir un chat dans la gorge | to be hoarse |
avoir un cœur d’artichaut | to fall in love with everyone you meet |
avoir un coup de pompe | to feel tired all of a sudden |
avoir un poil dans la main | to be very lazy |
voir un Polichinelle dans le tiroir | to be pregnant |
avoir une araignée au plafond | to have a few screws loose |
avoir une dent contre quelqu’un | to have a grudge |
avoir voix au chapitre | to have your say |
bien mener sa barque | to do all right for yourself |
ça y est | Done! / There! |
casser les pieds | to annoy |
ce n’est pas grave | it’s no bid deal |
C’est bonnet blanc et blanc bonnet | It amounts to the same thing |
C’est la fin des haricots | That’s the last straw |
c’est la vie | that’s life |
C'est le cadet de mes soucis | That's the least of my worries |
c'est parti | And we’re off! |
c’est simple comme bonjour | easy as pie |
comme ça | like that, this way |
coup de foudre | love at first sight |
coûter les yeux de la tête | to cost an arm and a leg |
cracher dans la soupe | to bite the hand that feeds you |
dormir sur ses deux oreilles | to sleep like a baby |
du coup | so, as a result |
du jour au lendemain | overnight, from one day to the next |
en avoir marre | to be fed up, sick of it |
en avoir ras le bol | to be fed up |
est-ce que | is, are, do, does (for questions) |
être aux anges | to be over the moon |
bête comme ses pieds | to be very stupid |
être dans la lune | to have your head in the clouds |
être fleur bleue | to be moved emotionally |
être soupe au lait | to get angry easily |
faire la grasse matinée | to sleep in |
faire la tête | to sulk |
fais gaffe | Be careful! Watch out! |
figure-toi | Guess what? Would you believe it? |
filer à l’anglaise | to dash, do a runner |
grace à vs. à cause de | thanks to, because of |
Il n’y a pas le feu (au lac) | there’s no rush |
il va de soit | it goes without saying |
il vaut mieux | you'd better |
il y a | there is, there are, ago |
je n'en reviens pas | I can't believe it |
je vous en prie | you’re welcome, please |
laisse tomber | never mind, forget it |
les carottes sont cuites | it’s all over |
l’habit ne fait pas le moine | don’t judge a book by its cover |
mi-figue mi-raisin | to be of two minds |
moi aussi vs. moi non plus | me too, me neither |
noyer le poisson | to evade the issue |
Oh là là | Oh, wow, yikes! |
par rapport à | compared to |
parler français comme une vache espagnole | to speak a language poorly |
pas de souci | no worries |
peigner la girafe | to twiddle your thumbs |
péter les plombs | to blow a fuse |
peu importe | regardless of |
pisser dans un violon | to waste your breath |
poser un lapin | to stand somebody up |
que dalle | absolutely nothing |
quel navet | what a dud, what a bad movie! |
quitta à | even if it means |
raconter des salades | to tell stories, tall tales |
remettre au lendemain | to procrastinate |
revenons à nos moutons | let’s get back to the subject |
rouler dans la farine | to rip off |
temps de chien | awful weather |
tomber dans les pommes | to faint, to pass out |
tout de suite | right away, immediately |
tout le monde | everybody |
un de ces quatre | one of these days |
Vive la France! | Long live France! |
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