The French expression mi-figue mi-raisin translates literally to “half fig, half grape” and means to be lukewarm or mixed. French meanings are entre-deux, hésitant (to be of two minds, hesitant).

Example sentence
Je suis allé à l’entretien mais je ne sais pas s’il m’embauchera. Sa réaction était mi-figue mi-raisin.
I went to the interview but I don’t know if he’ll hire me. His response was lukewarm.
Here are two other ways of expressing mi-figue, mi raisin.
- peu enthousiaste (adj) – with little enthusiasm
- un peu froid (adj) – a bit cold
More expressions with food
Expression origin
This expression dates back to the 15th century when figs and grapes were eaten during Lent. Separately, it’s said that Corinthian merchants who transported raisins added figs to the shipments. Thus, the expression describes an ambiguous situation or person.
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