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Joindre – To Join

Joindre – To Join

Today’s lesson will focus specifically on the verb joindre (Meaning: to join). This verb can cause a lot of confusion as the reflexive form “je me joins à” is required in the context of joining another person or a group. Keep reading and we’ll explain everything.


to join

Joindre = to join in French

Joindre meaning and conjugation

Word origin

The French verb joindre comes from the Latin verb jungere (to join, bring together, connect).


Joindre is an irregular RE verb. This means that when conjugated in the present tense, its ending are different to other regular RE verbs.

Je joins I join
Tu joins You join (singular, informal)
Il, elle joint He she joins
Nous joignons We join
Vous joignez You join (plural, formal)
Ils, elles joignent They join

Example sentences

In our first example sentence, joindre means to connect, join or link.

Une route joint les deux côtés de la vallée.

A road joins both sides of the valley.

In this example, joindre means “combine” in the context of combining efforts.

Nous avons joindre nos efforts pour trouver plus de clients.

We combined our efforts to find more clients.

Joindre can also mean to reach, contact or “get hold of”. In this example, the expression avoir du mal à means to have a hard or difficult time doing something.

J’ai du mal à vous joindre. Où êtes-vous ?

I’m having a hard time getting hold of you. Where are you?

Se joindre à = to join a person or group

In the reflexive form, se joindre à means “to join” in the context of joining a group of people or club. For example, Puis-je me joindre à vous?” (May I join you?).

Je vais me joindre à un club de ski cet hiver.

I’m going to join a ski club this winter.

Rejoindre = to meet with

This next example is packed lots of fun stuff! In the reflexive from, se rejoindre means “to meet up” and is synonymous with se retrouver.

On se rejoint au café à 17h00, d’accord ?

Let’s meet at the café at 5pm, okay?

Ci-joint = attached

Finally, ci-joint is used to mean “attached” in the context of writing letters. Veuillez is the imperative form of vouloir (to want) and is formal way of saying please.

Veuillez voir le document ci-joint.

Please see the document attached.


Et voilà ! You now have a good understanding of how to use joindre (to join) in French! Now check out our lesson covering the verb profiter, which means “to enjoy” or “to make the most of”.

Word of the Day Lessons

Joindre is a French verb meaning "to join".
Joindre is a French verb meaning “to join”.

Lessons by David Issokson


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David Issokson
David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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