This lesson covers how to say “bless you” in French for when somebody sneezes: À tes souhaits, which translates literally to “to your wishes”. The French have many more creative ways to say “bless you” so keep reading!
À tes souhaits
Bless you!
À tes souhaits is the informal form you’d use for somebody you address as tu. The formal form is à vos souhaits.
À tes souhaits / À vos souhaits
Bless you! (formal and informal)
For the second sneeze, the French commonly use this expression: à tes amours (to your lovers).
À tes amours / À vos amours
Bless you! (to your lovers)
Then, for the third sneeze, you can add the following:
et qu’elles durent toujours !
and may they last forever!
For the following clip, les tiennes is an example of a possessive pronoun meaning “yours”. Les vôtres is the formal form of “yours”.
que les tiennes / vôtres durent toujours!
may yours last forever!
For additional sneezes you can continue with the following fun expressions: et à tes enfants (and to your children) and et a ton argent (and to your money).
et à tes enfants / et à vos enfants
and to your children!
et a ton argent, et a votre argent !
and to your money!