Today we’ll look at the preposition depuis, which means “since”. In certain situations it can also mean “for” as in how long and action has been occurring. Je suis ces leçons depuis très longtemps! I’ve been follwing these lessons for a very long time!
depuis – [dəpɥi]

Since in French – How to use “depuis”
Time duration
When followed by a period of time and used with the present (indicative) tense, depuis indicates how long an action has been occurring and means “for” .
J’apprends le français depuis deux ans.
I have been learning French for two years.
Event specified date
When followed by an event or specified date, depuis indicates since or “has occurred since”.
Tu joues au tennis depuis ton cinqième anniversaire.
You have played tennis since your fifth birthday.
Asking how long
To ask “how long?” and action has been taking place, use the expression “depuis combien de temps?”.
Depuis combien de temps habitez-vous en France?
How long have you been living in France?
Events which haven’t occurred since a specified time
If an event has not occurred since (or for) a certain amount of time, “depuis” is used with the passé composé, a commonly used French past tense. What follows “depuis” can be both a duration of time or specific year or date.
Je n’ai pas fumé depuis neuf ans.
I haven’t smoked for nine years.
Je n’ai pas fumé depuis 2013.
I haven’t smoked since 2013.
Vantage point
Depuis can also be used to mean “from”, in the context of “from a specific vantage point”.
On voit la mer depuis le sommet de la montagne.
You can see the sea from the mountain summit.