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Voir Conjugation: How To Conjugate “To See” In French

Voir Conjugation: How To Conjugate “To See” In French

The conjugation of voir (Meaning: To see in French; Pronunciation; vwaʀ) is: Je vois (I see), tu vois (you see), il/elle voit (he/she sees), nous voyons (we see), vous voyez (you see) and ils/elles voient (they see). This post will provide conjugation charts for voir in six major tense with example sentences.

Voir conjugation

Voir is an irregular French -ir verb. This means that its endings in the present tense are different to other regular verbs in the -ir group, such as finir (to finish).

The past participle is voir is vu (saw). We’ll elaborate more on this below in the passé composé section.

We’ve covered the following six major tenses on this page:

  • Le present (present tense)
  • Le passe compose (compound past)
  • L’imparfait (imperfect)
  • Le futur simple (simple future)
  • Le conditionnel (conditional)
  • Le subjoncdtif (subjunctive)

Voir conjugation table

Before getting into the charts with example sentences we’ll first take a quick look the conjugation table of voir.

Voir conjugation table

Voir conjugation charts

Present tense (present indicative)

In the present tense (le présent), je vois translates to both “I see” and “I am seeing”.

Je voisI seeJe vois le chien.I see the dog.
Tu voisYou see (familiar, singular)Tu vois le chat.You see that cat.
Il/elle voitHe/she seesElle voit les montagnes.She sees the mountains.
Nous voyonsWe seeNous voyons la voiture. We see the car.
Vous voyezYou see (formal, plural)Vous voyez la plage. You see the beach.
Ils/elles voientThey seeIls voient leurs amis.They see their friends.

Compound past (passé composé)

The passe composé is a frequently used French past tense to describe actions which occurred a specific point in time. J’ai vu translates to “I saw”.

J'ai vuI sawJ'ai vu le film. I saw the movie.
Tu as vuYou saw (familiar, singular)J'ai vu le prof dans la salle de classe.I saw the teacher in the classroom.
Il/elle a vuHe/she sawElle a vu un bon ami. She saw a good freind.
Nous avons vuWe sawNous avons vu l'étoile.We saw the star.
Vous avez vuYou saw (formal, plural)Vous avez vu ma femme.You saw my wife.
Ils/elles ont vuThey sawIls ont vu un oiseau.They saw a bird.

Imperfect indicative (imparfait)

The imparfait (imperfect) is another commonly used French past tense used to describe actions which occurred at unspecified points in time. Je voyais translates to “I used to see” and “I was seeing”.

The verb voir conjugated in the imperfect tense in French does not lend itself very well to sample sentences. Hence, we’ve just included the conjugation and English equivalents below.

Je voyaisI used to see, was seeing
Tu voyais
You used to see, were seeing (familiar, singular)
Il/elle voyait
He/she used to see, was seeing
Nous voyonsWe used to see, were seeing
Vous voyezYou used to see, were seeing (formal, plural)
Ils/elles voyaientThey used to see, were seeing
La femme voit la montagne. The woman sees the mountain.

Simple future (futur simple)

The futur simple tense is used to express events which will occur in the future. Voir has an irregular stem in the future simple: -verr. Je verrai translates to “I will see”.

Interestingly when using with the third-person singular pronoun on, meaning “one” or “we”, on verra translates to “we’ll see” as in “we’ll see what happens”.

Je verraiI will seeJe verrai mes amis. I will see my friends.
Tu verrasYou will see (familiar, singular)Tu verras les résutats.You will see the results.
Il/elle verraHe/she will seeElle verra le lever du soleil.She will see the sunrise.
Nous verronsWe will seeNous verrons plus tard.We will see later.
Vous verrezYou will see (formal, plural)Vous verrez une tempête de neige.You will see a snow storm.
Ils/elles verrontThey will seeIls verront de bonnes conditions de ski. They will see good ski conditions.

Conditional mood (présent du conditionnel)

In French, le conditionnel is used to express hypothetical events which “would” occur. Je verrais translates to “I would see”.

Je verraisI would seeJe verrais le spectacle si javais un billet.I would see the show if I had a ticket.
Tu verraisYou would see (familiar, singular)Tu verrais ton ami si tu avais le temps.You'd see your friend if you had time.
Il/elle verraitHe/she would seeElle verrait ses amis si elle avait une voiture.She would see her friends if she had a car.
Nous verrionsWe would seeNous verrions nos amis si nous avions le temps libre.We'd see our friends if we had free time.
Vous verriezYou would see (formal, plural)Vous verriez le film si le cinéma était ouvert.You'd see the movie if the cinema was open.
Ils/elles verraientThey would seeIls verraient l'émission s'ils avaient une télévision.They'd see the show if they had a TV.

Present subjunctive (subjonctif)

The French use the subjunctive mood to express wishes, emotions and doubts. Que je vois translates to “that I see”.

Que je voiethat I seeIl faut que je voie ce film. I need to see this film.
Que tu voiesthat you see (familiar, singular)Je veux que tu voies sa réaction. I want you to see see his reaction.
Qu'il/elle voiethat he/she seesJe doute qu'elle voie la vérité. I doubt she sees the truth.
Que nous voyionsthat we seeIl faut que nous voyions les résultats.We need to see the results.
Que vous voyiezthat you see (formal, plural)Je suis heureux que vous voyiez un changement. I'm happy you're seeing a change.
Qu'ils voientthat they seeIl faut qu'ils voient si c'est possible. They have to see if it's possible.
L'homme voit l'océan. The man sees the ocean.

Voir – Summary video

In the following video online teacher, Alexa, summarizes the conjugations for voir in the present, past and future tenses and provides lots of example sentences.

More verb tables on our site:

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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