Today we’ll have a look at débordé, which translates to overwhelmed and snowed under. This adjective comes from the verb déborder (to overflow). We’ll also look at a synonomous expression être sous l’eau (to be under water).
overwhelmed, snowed under
Pronunciation [debɔʀde]

Example sentences
For this first sentence, the masculine noun projet has two meanings in French: project and plan. The negation ne + verb + que means “only”.
Je suis vraiment débordé aujourd’hui. Je n’ai qu’une heure pour finir le projet.
I’m really overwhelmed today. I only have one hour to finish the projet.
For this sentence, je voudrais means “I’d like”. Je voudrais bien can translate loosely to “I’d love to”. The indirect object pronoun y has many meaning including “there”.
Je voudrais bien y aller mais je n’ai pas le temps. Je suis sous l’eau.
I’d love to go but I don’t have the time. I’m snowed under.