In today’s lesson we’ll explore the word l’euro (€), the currency now used throughout the European Union, including France. Many students have a very hard time with the pronunciation of this word. With the definite article, the pronunciation is: l’euro (the euro).
Euro (€)
Pronunciation: [øʀo] or “uh-roh”

Example sentences
The example sentences in today’s lesson require the knowledge of the French numbers 1-100. This lesson covers combien coûte (how much?).
Combien coûte la voiture ? Elle coûte 18 888 € (dix-huit mille huit cent quatre-vingt-huit) euros.
How much does the car cost? It costs 18,888 euros.
This second example sentence uses the feminine noun centime, meaning cent.
La tablette de chocolat coûte 3,95 € (trois euros quatre-vingt-quinze centimes).
The chocolat bar costs 3.95 euros.
This final example sentence uses the negation ne + verb + que, meaning “only”.
Désolé, je n’ai que deux euros dans ma poche.
Sorry, I only have two euros in my pocket.