Machin is a slang French masculine noun meaning thing or thingamajig. Other meanings including “what’s-his/her-name” and old grouch.
thing, thingamajig
Word origin
Machin is related to the feminine noun machine (machine, device), which comes from machina in Latin.
Example sentences
This first example translates literally to “It’s what, this thing?” However, it really means “What the heck/hell is this?”
C’est quoi, ce machin ?
What the heck is this?
This sentence makes use of the conditional tense. Devoir (must, have to) in the conditional means “should”. Pouvoir (can, able to) in the conditional is used to express hypothetical actions.
Tu devrais téléphoner à Machin. Il pourrait venir nous aider.
You should call what’s-his-name. He can come help us.
This sentence uses sortir, meaning “to go out”.
Pascal est un vieux machin qui ne sort jamais de la maison.
Pascal is an old grouch who nevers goes out of the house.