Today we’ll have a look at the feminine noun histoire, which means both story and history. A common mistake is for students to want to pronounce the H, which is completely silent. The pronunciation is: ee-stoir or [istwaʀ].
l’histoire – [istwaʀ]
story, history
l’Histoire – Story & History
Word origin
Histoire comes from ἱστορία (historía) in Greek, meaning knowledge from research or a story of what one learned.
Example sentences
The French use the verb raconter for “telling”stories. This first sentence is in the near future tense, which combines the present tense of aller (to go) and an infinitive.
Je vais te raconter une super histoire.
I’m going to tell you a great story.
Romeo et Juliette est une histoire d’amour.
Romeo and Juliette is a love story.
In French, the expression raconter des histoires means to lie, fib or tell tall tales.
Tu racontes des histoires ? Dis la verité !
Are you telling tall tales? Tell the truth!
En France can translate to both “to” or “in” France.
C’est une bonne idée d’étudier l’histoire française avant de voyager en France.
It’s a good idea to study French history before traveling to France.
Articles by David Issokson | History Posts