In today’s lesson, we’ll have a look at the masculine noun mot, which means “word”. It’s important to know how to use this word as it comes up all the time in language learning. Let’s jump right in!
le mot – [mo]
Word origin
The modern French masculine noun mot is realted to muttire (to mutter, speak) in Latin. In French, there is another word for word: parole (feminine noun). This word is used to express lines of words or song lyrics. The expression adresser la parole à quelqu’un means “to speak to somebody”.
The pronunciation of mot is: moh or [mo]. Do not pronounce the final T.
Example sentences
This first example sentence is autobiographical. I try to learn five new words per day when learning new langauges!
Quand j’apprends un language, j’essaie d’apprendre au moins cinq nouveaux mots tous les jours.
When I learn a langauge, I try to learn at least five new words every day.
Cherche le mot dans le dictionnaire si tu ne comprends pas !
Look the word up in the dictionary if you don’t understand!
I also feel strongly about this next example. It’s important to have a grasp of French slang.
J’adore l’argot. Il est très important d’apprendre ces mots.
I love slang. It’s very important to learn these words!
This final example sentence makes reference to a fun slang verb chiant, meaning “very annoying”.
Que veut dire le mot “chiant” en français ?
What does the word chiant mean in French?
Word of the Day lessons | Lessons by David Issokson