Noyer le poisson is a French idiom that translates literally to “to drown the fish” and means to evade the issue or sidestep the question. French translations is éluder or détourner la conversation (to elude or divert the conversation).
Noyer le poisson
To evade the issue, sidestep the question

Example sentences
Arrête de noyer le poissson. As-tu couché avec cette femme ou non ?
Stop sidestepping the question. Did you sleep with this woman or not?
Le candidat refuse de répondre à la question. Il noie le poisson.
The candidate refuses to answer the question. He’s evading the issue.
Expression origin
This expression dates back to the the 20th century. It makes reference to hooking a fish and keeping it in and out of the water in order to exhaust it.
More animal expressions
- Temps de chien – awful weather
- Avoir un chat dans la gorge – To be hoarse
- Parler français comme une vache espagnole
- Avoir le cafard – to be down in the dumps