Today’s lesson examines the highly useful French interjection “Attention !”, which has several translation including “Watch out!”, “Look out!”, “Careful!” and “Caution!”
Attention !
watch out, look out, careful, caution
Pronunciation [atɑ̃sjɔ̃]

Attention !
Example sentences
For this first example, tu vas marcher (you’re going to walk) is an example of the futur proche, a commonly used French future tense. The verb marcher can translate to “to walk” and “to work (or function).
Attention ! Tu vas marcher dans le caca du chien !
Watch out! You’re going to walk in the dog doo!
As a noun, la marche means “step”, not to be confused with le marché (market).
Attention à la marche ! Tu vas tomber !
Look out for the step! You’re going to fall!
The structure faire attention à + noun/infinitive means “to pay attention to”, “to watch out for”, “to be careful of” or “to mind”.
Je fais toujours très attention à ma prononciation.
I always pay very close attention to my pronunciation.