Today we’ll look at the French adverb plutôt which has several translations including rather, instead and sooner.
Word origin
Plutôt in Modern French comes from plustost in Middle French and plus tost in Old French. From the 16th century onwards, these words replaced ains et ainçois, which came from antius in Latin.
Note that while the single word plutôt means rather, the two seperate words plus tôt mean “earlier” as the adjective tôt means “early”.
Example sentences
This first example sentence is in the conditional tense. The verb prendre means “to take” and means “have” in the context of ordering meals.
Je prendrais plutôt du champagne.
I’d rather have champagne.
For this second sentence, the reflexive verb se donner rendez-vous means “to arrange to meet”.
Je suis très occupé demain. On peut se donner rendez-vous samedi plutôt ?
I’m very busy tomrorow. Can we arrange to meet on Saturday instead?
For this final sentence, plutôt que can translate to “rather than” or “instead of”.
Je préférerais acheter une camionnette plutôt qu’une voiture.
I’d prefer to buy a pickup truck rather than a car.
Word of the Day Lessons | Lessons by David Issokson