Avoir le cul bordé de nouilles is French idiom that translates literally to “to have a bottom lined with noodles” and means “to be extremely lucky”. The word cul is a pejorative word for bottom or a*s.
Avoir le cul bordé de nouilles
to be extremely lucky
Example sentences
This first sentence uses the inversion form of asking questions.
As-tu entendu que Marie a gagné au loto ? Elle a le cul bordé de nouilles !
Did you hear that Marie won the lottery! She’s so lucky!
For this second sentence, the verb gagner means both “to win” and “to earn”. Hence, gagner la vie (literally to earn the life) means “to make a living”.
Pierre a le cul bordé de nouilles : Il gagne bien sa vie et il part tout le temps en vacances.
Pierre is extremely lucky. He makes a good living and goes on vacation all the time!