Today’s lesson explains how to use the preposition auprès de. The underlying meaning of auprès de is near or “close to”. The bottom of the post has links to references covering more usages and example sentences.
Auprès de
Near, close to, beside, next to
Example sentences
For this first example sentence, auprès de means “next to” or “near”.
Je préfère rester auprès de ma famille.
I prefer staying near my family.
For this example, auprès de means “right next to”.
Les skis sont auprès de l’entrée.
The skis are next to the entrance.
For this example, I could have used the translation “with” the manager.
Elle travaille auprès du gérant.
She works beside the manager.
This final sentence uses the reflexive verb se renseigner, which translates literally to “to inform yourself” and means “to inquire”. Hence, my loose translation for the example sentence is simply “ask”.
Renseignez-vous auprès de l’assistance client.
Ask customer service.
Related lessons
- Prepositions (complete list)
- Jusqu’à – until
- Lors de – at the time of
- Vers, envers – towards
- En vs. dans (two ways to say “in”)