Today’s lesson covers the French verlan (Parisian slang) word meuf, which means girl, chick and woman. This word could be seen as derogatory and should be used with caution!
girl, chick, woman
Pronunciation: [mœf]

Example sentences
For this first sentence, the interjection oh là là has several translations including wow, yikes and wow! The structure c’est qui ce/cette + noun is informal languge for “who’s this”.
Oh là là ! C’est qui cette meuf ? Elle est vraiment belle!
Wow! Who’s that chick? She’s really beautiful!
Le mot « meuf » est le verlan pour « femme ».
The word “meuf” is Verlan for woman.
For this final sentence, venir (to come) uses the verb être (to be) as an auxiliary verb in the passé composé.
Jason est venu avec sa nouvelle meuf à la salle de sport.
Jasson came to the gym with his new chick.