Today we’ll look at the useful masculine noun le défi, which translates to “challenge”. This word comes from the French verb défiler, which is related to diffidere (to not trust) in Latin. We’ll also see that the word le challenge does exist in French.
le défi

Le défi – challenge
Example sentences
For this first sentence, été in French has to meanings: Was/been and summer.
Mon défi cet été est de monter toutes les montagnes dans la région.
My challenge this summer is to climb all the mountains in the region.
For this second sentence, défi can translate to challenge or defiance.
La manière de répondre de cet enfant est un défi au professeur.
The way that this child reponds is a challenge to the teacher.
Apprendre le français (learning French) is an example of the the infinitive mood. In this situation, English would use a verb in the -ing form as the subject of the sentence.
Apprendre le français en un an est un vrai challenge.
Learning French in one year is a real challenge.
Related lessons
- Infinitive mood explained
- An vs. Année – Year
- Français – French
- Été – Summer, was, have been
- Montagne – Mountain