The infinitive mood is used when the infinitive of a verb is the subject of a sentences. In English the -ing form of the verb is used. For example, “Travailler le week-end n’est pas amsuant” (working on the weekends is not fun). In the negation ne…pas precedes the infinitive.

French infinive mood
Most common usage: subject ends in -ing
- Suivre un cours de français est une bonné ideé. Taking a French class is a good idea.
- Apprendre le chinois n’est pas facile. Learning Chinese is not easy.
Giving directions and signage
- Prendre trois fois par jour. Take three times per day.
- Ne pas marcher sur le gazon. Don’t walk on the grass.
Ne…pas always precedes an infinitive
- Elle m’a dit de ne pas arriver avant 21h00. She told me not to come arrive before 9.00pm.
- Il m’a dit de ne pas mettre les pieds sur la table. He told me not to put my feet on the table.
Cooking instructions
- Râper le gruyère. Grate the Swiss cheese.
- Casser deux oeufs. Crack two eggs.
Use where English uses -ing
- J’ai vu les enfants traverser la rue. I saw the kids crossing the street.
- J’ai entendu le chien aboyer. I heard the dog barking.
Forming questions
Infinitif passé
The infinitif passé is used to express an action that already occurred. It’s formed with the infinitive of avoir (to have) or être (to be) plus the past participle.
- Après avoir fini, nous pourrons regarder le film. After having finished, we’ll be able to watch the movie.
- Je vous remercie d’avoir préparé ce repas! Thank you for preparing this meal!
- Merci d’avoir pris le temps de nous rencontrer. Thanks for taking the time to meet us.
- Je vous remercie d’être venu! Thanks for coming!