Today’s lesson explores the feminine noun la plage, meaning beach. The Modern French word plage comes from plagia in Late Latin, meaning plain or shore.
la plage
Pronunciation [plaʒ]

Example sentences
This first sentence uses the French superlative (the most, the biggest, etc.). In the non-reflexive form, trouver means to find. As a reflexive verb, se trouver means to be located.
Les plus belles plages en France se trouvent sur la Côte d’Azur.
The most beautiful beaches in France are located on the French Riviera.
J’adore aller à la plage pour observer les couchers de soleil.
I love going to the beach to look at the sunsets.
This final sentence uses the verb marcher, meaning both to walk and to work or to function. This lesson explains vers vs. envers (towards + place vs. towards + person). This sentence uses the futur proche or near future tense, meaning “going to”.
Les enfants marchent vers la plage et ils vont se baigner.
The kids are walking towards the beach and are going to swim.
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