Today’s lesson focuses on the somewhat confusing faux ami (false cognate) adjective sensible, which translates to “sensitive”. To say “sensible” (English), the French use the adjective raisonnable (reasonable, rational).
Example sentences
At first glance, sensible (French) appears to mean “sensible” (English). However, as mentioned, it means “sensitive”.
Marie est une femme très sensible: Elle pleure facilement.
Marie is very sensitive. She cries easily.
For this second example, to say the English “sensible” in French, use the adjective raisonnable, which also translates to reasonable and rational. I loosely translated réfléchis bien (literally to reflect well) to “think things over”.
Je suis une personne très raisonnable: Je réfléchis bien avant de prendre les décisions importantes.
I’m a very sensible person. I think things over very well before making big decisions.