The French adverb actuellement is a confusing faux ami (false cognate) that means currently, at the moment and presently. The French expression for the English word “actually” is en fait. actuellement currently, at the moment and presently Pronunciation [ak-tɥ-ɛl-mɑ̃]
Faux Ami
A faux ami or “false friend” is a word in French that looks and/or sounds similar to a word in English but has a different meaning.
Today we’ll look at the French faux ami (false cognate) la librairie, which translates to bookstore or bookshop. Many students commonly confuse la librairie with la bibliothèque, which means “library” in English. la librairie bookstore, bookshop
Today’s lesson focuses on the somewhat confusing faux ami (false cognate) adjective sensible, which translates to “sensitive”. To say “sensible” (English), the French use the adjective raisonnable (reasonable, rational). sensible sensitive
Today we have a fun lesson covering the faux ami (false cognate) préservatif, which doesn’t mean “preservative” (as in food preservative) but means “condom” or “rubber”. le préservatif condom
This lesson explains how to use the French faux ami (false cognate) occasion, which means “opportunity”. l’occasion opportunity, chance