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French Kitchen Vocabulary – Vocabulaire de la Cuisine

French Kitchen Vocabulary – Vocabulaire de la Cuisine

If you’re spending any amount of time in France you’ll quickly learn that the French spent a great amount of time in both the kitchen (la cuisine) and the dining room (salle à manger). Below you’ll find a comprehensive list of vocabulary covering all kitchen appliances, tableware as well as food preparation equipment.

French Kitchen Vocabulary

French Kitchen Vocabulary – Vocabulaire de la Cuisine 

Kitchen appliances and equipment

  • sink l’évier (m)
  • faucet le robinet
  • freezer le congélateur
  • refrigerator le réfrigérateur
  • electric burners les plaques électriques (f)
  • microwave oven l four à micro-ondes
  • oven le four
  • kitchen table le table de cuisine
  • kitchen island l’îlot de cuisine (m)
  • gas stove la cuisinière à gaz
  • garbage disposal le broyeur à déchets
  • dishwasher la lave-vaisselle
  • blender le mixeur
  • dish rack l’égouttoir (m)
  • trash bin la poubelle
  • broiler le gril
  • coffee machine, coffee pot la cafetière
  • kettle la bouilloire
  • teatpot la théière
  • toaster le grille-pain

Dishes, silverware, tableware

  • tableware les ustensiles à table (m)
  • silverware l’argenterie (f)
  • plate le plat
  • plate l’assiette (f)
  • bowl le bol
  • glass le verre
  • spoon la cuillière
  • teaspoon la cuillère à café
  • tablespoon la cuillère à soupe
  • knife le couteau
  • fork la fourchette
  • serving dish le plat de service
  • serving spoon la grande cuillère
  • tablecloth la nappe
  • dessert plate le plateau de desserts
  • mug la chope
  • napkin la serviette

Food preparation

  • pots and pans la batterie de la cuisine
  • pot, pan, saucepan la casserole
  • stew pot, cooking pot le faitout
  • frying pan, skillet la poêle
  • casserole dish la cocotte
  • salad bowl, mixing bowl le saladier
  • colander la passoire
  • cutting board la planche à découper
  • can opener l’ouvre-boîtes (m)
  • measuring cup la verre doseur
  • measuring spoon la mesurette
  • vegetable peeler l’épluche-légumes (m)
  • potato masher le presse-purée
  • whisk le fouet, le batteu
  • salad spinner l’essoreuse à salade (f)
  • grater la râpe
  • juicer la centrifugeuse
  • garlic press le presse-ail
  • paring knife le couteau d’office
  • bread knife le couteau à pain
  • sauté pan une sauteuse
  • baking pan une plaque de cuisson, plaque
  • spatula une spatule
  • tongs des pinces (f)
  • ladle une louche
  • oven mitt une manique
  • trivet un dessous-de-plat
  • ice-cube tray un bac à glaçons

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French vocabulary | Lessons by David Issokson

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David Issokson
David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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