In today’s lesson we’ll focus on what’s proven to be a major stumbling block for many of my private students over the years: How to say the year in French. The reason that this is tricky is because you must get the numbers in the right order. By the end of this lesson you should …
French Vocabulary Lists
French vocabulary lists covering over 100 topics including food, family, animals, weather, sports, clothing, professions, the home and much more.
Leaning how to say the names of the fifty states in the United States is essential for French conversation. By knowing the states’ names, you will be able to discuss many topics, such as where you live, when to school and grew up. This page covers the French names for all 50 states as well …
The days of the week in French are: lundi (Monday), mardi (Tuesday), mercredi (Wednesday), jeudi (Thursday), vendredi (Friday), samedi (Saturday) and dimanche (Sunday).
Learning the most common words is the first step to learning to speak fluently. Rather than just providing a list of top-100 words without any structure, we’ve created a list based on language sub-areas such as common adjectives, prepositions and verbs. We’ve also broken our list down into noun groups such family, clothing and much …
La Fête de Hanoucca – Vocabulaire Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a Jewish holiday that occurs every year around December. This page provides a comprehensive list of French Hanukkah vocabulary including words such as la hanoukkia (menorah), la bougie (candle), le cadeau (gift) and much more. Hanukkah in France Hanukkah a …