Les boissons
In this lesson you’ll learn how to say different kinds of drinks (les boissons) in French. When you travel to France you’ll quickly discover that that in addition to having a very rich and vast cuisine, the the country also offers a very vast selection of beverages.
French beverages (drinks) vocabulary list
Further down you’ll find a complete list of vocabulary words for drinks and beverages in French. Click on any of the French MP3 word links and listen!
le citron pressé lemonade | le jus de fruit fruit juice |
le jus de pomme apple juice | le jus d’orange orange juice |
le jus de raisin grape juice | le jus de tomate tomato juice |
le jus de pamplemousse grapefruit juice | le jus d'ananas pineapple juice |
l’eau water | l’eau minéral mineral water |
l'eau du robinet tap water | l'eau gazeuse sparkling water |
le lait milk | le chocolat chaud hot chocolate |
le café coffee | le thé le thé |
le thé noir black tea | le thé vert green tea |
le vin wine | l'apéritif apéritif |
le champagne champagne | le vin blanc white wine |
le vin rouge red wine | la bière beer |
le cidre cider | le pastis anise drink |
le diablo menthe green mint syrup in soda water | Le Coca Coca-Cola |
le Coca light diet Coke | le Pepsi Pepsi |
Drinks in French culture
Before French meals people traditionally have a light alcoholic beverage called an apéritif. A popular aperitif, especially in the south of France, is the pastis, an drink make from anise.
During the meal the beverage of choice is often bottled water or l’eau gaseuse (sparkling water) as this is perceived to help digestion.
The French enjoy drinking wine with their meals. A common vin de table (table wine) is often the beverage of choice for many families.
The children enjoy sweetened syrup drinks (a popular one is the diabolo menthe), fruit juices and ciders.
After the meal the French often enjoy an an espresso or a cup of tea.
On Sunday afternoons French families enjoy getting together in one of the family member’s homes and enjoying a more expensive beverage.
In these situations the host will often serve a bottle of prized wine or champagne poured into the family’s best crystal glasses.