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Equestrian (Horseback Riding) Vocabulary

Equestrian (Horseback Riding) Vocabulary

Lexique de l’équitation

On this page you’ll find a complete list of French equestrian (horseback riding) vocabulary. In French, to say ‘to go horseback riding’ you can say both faire du cheval and monter à cheval. The word for horseback riding is l’équitation.

French equestrian vocabulary
  • le cheval horse
  • le cavalier horse rider
  • la selle saddle
  • les rênes reins
  • la bombe riding hat
  • la crinière mane
  • la queue tail
  • la botte riding boots
  • l’étrier stirrup
  • la sangle girth
  • le jodhpur jodhpurs
  • le fer à cheval horseshoe
  • la cravache riding crop
  • le mors bit
  • la muserolle noseband
  • le frontail browband
  • la selle de femme side-saddle
  • le petit galop canter
  • le galup gallop
  • le pas walk
  • le trot trot
  • le saut jump
  • le valet d’écurie stable
  • le licou halter
  • l’enclos paddock
  • l’arène arena
  • le champs de courses racecourse
  • la course de plat flat race
  • le cheval de course racehorse
  • le course de chevaux horse race
  • le steeple steeplechase
  • la course de trot harness race
  • le rodéo rodeo
  • le jumping showjumping
  • la course attelée carriage race
  • la randonnée trekking
  • le polo polo
  • le dressage dressage
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French vocabulary | Lessons by David Issokson

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David Issokson
David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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