Le fast-food
While France is famous for it’s high-level cuisine the French people are surprisingly big fans of American-style fast food. In France there are thousands of fast food outlets across the country with the big names including McDonald’s, Prêt-à-Manger and Cojean.
Here you’ll find a list of French fast food vocabulary words. Note that while many of the words are directly taken from English many are completely different and will take some more time to learn.
Vocabulary list
- la restauration rapide fast food
- McDo McDonald’s (slang)
- le ketchup tomato sauce/ketchup
- le Big-Mac Big Mac
- le hamburger hamburger
- les frites French fries
- le hot-dog hot dog
- la boisson non-alcoolisée soft drink
- la serviette en papier paper napkin
- le hamburger avec des frites hamburger meal
- le tarif price list
- le petit pain bun
- la moutarde mustard
- le sandwich sandwich
- le canapé open sandwich
- la garniture filling
- la sauce sauce
- salé savoury
- sucré sweet
- les côtes ribs
- la pizzeria pizza parlor
- la carte menu
- à emporter take-away/take out
- la paille straw
- le plateau tray
- la pizza pizza
- le hamburgeur au poulet chicken burger
- le hamburger végétarien veggie burger
- la saucisse sausage
- le sandwich mixte club sandwich
- le taco wrap
- le kébab kebab
- les beignets de poulet chicken nuggets
- les crêpes crêpes
- le poisson avec des frites fish and chips
- le poulet frit fried chicken
- manger sur place eat-in (eat here)
- réchauffer re-heat