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Anatomy Terms

Anatomy Terms

On this page you’ll find a complete list of French anatomy terms and medical terminology. These lists cover medical terminology including the muscles, skeleton, internal and reproductive organs and systems as well as parts of the head.

French anatomy vocabulary

French Anatomy Vocabulary


  • pectoral le pectoral
  • intercostal l’intercostal
  • biceps le biceps
  • abdominals les abdominaux
  • quadriceps les quadriceps
  • deltoid le deltoïde
  • latissimus dorsi le dorsal
  • triceps le triceps
  • buttocks le fessier
  • calf les muscles jumeaux
  • Achilles tendon le tendon d’Achille
  • hamstring le tendon du jarret
  • thigh la cuisse

Bones, skeleton

  • skull la crâne
  • jaw la maxillaire
  • collar bone la clavicule
  • shoulder blade l’omoplate
  • breast bone le sternum
  • humerus l’humérus
  • rib la côte
  • rib cage la cage thoracique
  • ulna le cubitus
  • radius le radius
  • metacarpal le métacarpien
  • pelvis le bassin
  • knee cap le rotule
  • femur le fémur
  • fibula le péroné
  • tibia le tibia
  • metatarsal le métatarsien
  • cervical vertebrae les vetèbres cervicales
  • thoracic vertebrae les vertèbres thoraciques
  • lumbar vertebrae les lombaires
  • tail bone le coccyx
  • spine la colonene vértebrale
  • joint l’articulation
  • cartilage le cartilage
  • ligament le ligament
  • bone l’os
  • shoulder girdle la ceinture scapulaire
  • elbow le coude
  • thoracic cage la cage thoracique
  • spine l’épine
  • hip la hanche
  • tendon le tendon

Internal organs

  • windpipe la tranchée
  • thyroid gland la thyroïde
  • lung le poumon
  • heart le cœur
  • stomach l’estomac
  • spleen la rate
  • liver le foie
  • duodenum le duodénum
  • kidney le rein
  • pancreas le pancréas
  • small intestine l’intestin grêle
  • large intestine le gros intestin
  • appendix l’appendice
  • epidermis l’épiderme

The head

  • brain le cerveau
  • pharynx le pharynx
  • epiglottis l’épiglotte
  • esophagus l’œsophage
  • throat la gorge
  • palate le palais
  • tongue la langue
  • larynx le larynx
  • vocal cords les cordes vocales
  • Adam’s apple la pomme d’Adam
  • sinus le sinus
  • eyelid la paupière

Reproductive organs

  • female féminin
  • vagina le vagin
  • labia les lèvres
  • urethra l’urètre
  • clitoris le clitoris
  • bladder la vessie
  • follicle le follicule
  • fallopian tube trompe de Fallope
  • male masculin
  • penis pénis
  • testicule le testicule
  • foreskin le prépuce
  • scrotum le scrotum
  • prostate la prostate
  • seminal vesicle la vésicule
  • ejaculatory duct la conduit éjaculatoire
  • vas deferens le conduit spermatique
  • ureter l’uretère
  • reproduction la reproduction
  • egg l’ovule
  • sperm le sperme
  • fertilization la fertilisation
  • contraception la contraception
  • hormone l’hormone

Body systems

  • digestive digestif (adj)
  • respiratory respiratoire
  • cardiovascular cardio-vasculaire
  • lymphatic lymphatique (adj)
  • endocrine hormone endocrine (noun)
  • urinary urinaire
  • nervous nerveux
  • reproductive reproducteur

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French vocabulary | Lessons by David Issokson

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David Issokson
David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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