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Seasons of the Year

Seasons of the Year

Les saisons

The four seasons in French are: le printemps (pronounced pʀɛ̃tɑ̃, l’été (pronouced ete), l’automne (pronounced ɔtɔn) and l’hiver pronounced (ivɛʀ). This post will cover the correct ways to pronounce the seasons, which prepositions to use, as well as example sentences and expressions.

Seasons in French: Complete Guide With Prepositions

Four seasons in French in a nutshell:

  • le printemps spring / au printemps in the spring
  • l’été summer / en été in the summer
  • l’automne fall, autumn / en automne in the fall, in autumn
  • l’hiver winter / en hiver in the winter
Seasons in French

Le Printemps – Spring

In French, “spring” is “le printemps”. The pronunciation of this word is a bit difficult. The “in” is a nasal “ɛ̃” and the “emps” is a nasal “ɑ̃”. Do not pronounce the -p or the -s. Our friend, Julien, on YouTube explains how to pronounce “printemps”.

Talking about spring in sentences

The word “printemps” is masculine. Thus, it’s “le printemps”. When speaking about spring in the general sense, “le” (the) must precede the noun. For example:

  • J’adore le printemps! I love (the) springtime!.

To say, “in the spring”, “in springtime”, the word “printemps” takes the preposition “au”. For example:

  • Que faites-vous au printemps? What are you doing in the springtime?
  • Il commence a faire beau au printemps. The weather gets nice out in the spring.

To say “this” spring, “printemps” is preceded by “ce”. For example:

  • On part en vacances ce printemps. We’re going on vacation this spring.

“Ce” is a demonstrative adjective, meaning “this”. This page on our site covers demonstrative adjectives in detail.

A fun French expression with the word “printemps” is: “Une hirondelle ne fait pas le printemps”, meaning “One swallow does not make a summer”.

L’été – summer

The French word for “summer” is “été”. The pronunciation is quite simple: ay-tay. “Été” s a masculine noun. Note that “été” is also the past participle of the verb être (to be). Hence, “été” in French also means “was” or “been”.

In the following video, Julien on YouTube teaches how to pronounce “été“.

Talking about summer in sentences

When speaking about the summer in general, “été” takes the direct article “l'”. Hence, l’été means “the summer”. For example:

  • J’aime l’été parce qu’il fait beau. I like (the) summer because it’s nice out.

To express “during the summer” or “in the summer”, “été” is preceded by the preposition “en”. For example:

  • En été, on va à la plage. People go to the beach during the summer.

To say “this” summer, “été” is preceded by “cet”. For example:

  • Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire cet été? What are you going to do this summer?

L’heure d’été refers to daylight saving time, the time of the year when the clocks are moved one hour ahead. “Passage à l’heure d’été” refers to the act of putting the clocks forward in the springtime.

L’automne – fall, autumn

The French word for “fall” or “autumn” is “l’automne”. Unlike English were the -m is pronounced, the -n is pronounced in French. Hence, if you end the word with the -m sound in French, it’s wrong. The correct pronunciation is “oh-tun”.

Julien on YouTube teaches how to pronounce “l’automne”.

Talking about the fall (autumn)

“Automne” is masculine noun and is preceded with the article “l'” to mean “the fall (autumn)”. For example:

  • J’adore les couleurs de l’automne. I love the colors of (the) fall.

To say “in the fall” or “in autumn”, the French word “automne” is preceded by the preposition “en”. For example.

  • Les cours commencent en automne. Classes start in the fall.

To express “this fall”, “automne” is preceded by “cet”. For example:

  • Je prépare mon voyage cet automne. I’m preparing for my trip this fall.

L’hiver – winter

The French word for winter is “hiver”. The -h is a silent or aspirated and not pronounced at all. Hence, the pronunciation is “ee-ver”. You must pronounce the -r. Julien on YouTube teaches how to pronounce “hiver” in the following video.

Talking about the winter

To talk about the winter in the general sense, the word “hiver” is preceded by “l'”. For example:

  • J’aime l’hiver pour faire du ski. I like the winter for skiing,

To say “in the winter” or “during the winter”, the word “hiver” is preceded by “en”. For example:

  • Il fait froid en hiver. It’s cold out during the winter (in wintertime).

“L’heure d’hiver” refers to the time of the year when the clocks are put back by one hour. “Passage à l’heure d’hiver” is the act of putting the clocks back.

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French vocabulary | Lessons by David Issokson

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David Issokson
David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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