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Gardening Vocabulary

Gardening Vocabulary

Le jardinage

Gardening is one of the most exciting and fun activities people enjoy during the springtime. On this page you’ll find a complete list of French gardening vocabulary. This list includes general terms, kinds of plants, gardening tools and materials, as well as useful verbs and adjectives.

General terms

  • l’allée path
  • l’arrosage watering
  • la fontaine fountain
  • la rocaille rock garden
  • la serre greenhouse
  • le drainage drainage
  • le jardin à la française formal garden
  • le jardin d’eau water garden
  • le jardin garden
  • le jardin paysan cottage garden
  • le jardin sur le toit roof garden
  • le parterre flowerbed
  • le patio patio garden
  • le pavé paving
  • le potager vegetable garden
  • le sable sand
  • le tas de compost compost heap

Plants & Things That Grow

  • l’arbre tree
  • l’arbuste à fleurs flowering shrub
  • l’herbe grass
  • la fougère fern
  • la haie hedge
  • la pelouse lawn
  • la plante alpine alpine
  • la plante aquatique water plant
  • la plante d’ombre shade plant
  • la plante en pot potted plant
  • la plante grasse succulent
  • la plante grimpante climber
  • la plante rampante creeper
  • la plante vivace perennial
  • la topiare topiary
  • le bambou bamboo
  • le bulbe bulk
  • le cactus cactus
  • le confière confier
  • le jonc rush
  • le palmier palm
  • les mauvaises herbes weeds
  • les plantes plants

Gardening Tools

  • l’arroseur sprinkler
  • l’arrosoir watering can
  • la bêche spade
  • la brouette wheelbarrow
  • la dondeuse trimmer
  • la fourche fork
  • la grande cisaille long-handled shears
  • la houe hoe
  • la tondeuse lawnmower
  • le balai à gazon lawn rake
  • le déplantoir trowel
  • le gravier gravel
  • le panier de jardinier trug
  • le pot à fleurs flower pot
  • le râteau rake
  • le sac à l’herbe grass bag
  • les gants de jardinage gardening gloves
  • les outils de jardin garden tools

Gardening materials

  • l’argile clay
  • l’herbicide weedkiller
  • la chaux chalk
  • la terre topsoil
  • la vase silt
  • le pesticide pesticide
  • le sol soil
  • le sous-sol subsoil
  • le terreau compost


  • arroser to water
  • bêcher to trim
  • biologique organic
  • cueillir to pick
  • cultiver to cultivate
  • désherber to weed
  • dessiner to landscape
  • élaguer to prune
  • fertiliser to fertalize
  • l’engrais fertalizer
  • mettre en pot to prop up
  • pailler to mulch
  • ratisser to rake
  • récolter to harvest
  • retourner airate
  • semer to sow
  • soigner to tend
  • tailler to trim
  • tamiser to sieve
  • tondre to mow (the lawn)
  • transplanter to transplant


  • à feuilles caduques deciduous
  • à feuilles persistantes evergreen
  • annuel annual
  • bisannuel biennial
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French vocabulary | Lessons by David Issokson

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David Issokson
David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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