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L’Action de Grâce (Thanskgiving) is a major holiday celebrated throughout North America. While it’s not celebrated in France, it is celebrated in Canada. On this page you’ll learn lots of French Thanksgiving vocabulary. Keep reading.

L’Action de Grâce


French Thanksgiving Vocabulary

French Thanksgiving vocabulary

In French, there are two words for turkey: le dindon and la dinde. Le dindon is used to refer to a live turkey and la dinde is used to refer to the meat that is eaten on Thanksgiving and Christmas.

la dinde


Intesestingly, the word “farce” (meaning practical joke) is the same in English and French: la farce. But, la farce in French also means stuffing.

la farce


The single most popular Thanksgiving dessert is pumpkin pie. The word for pumpkin in French is la citrouille. Hence, pumpkin pie is la tarte à la citrouille.

la tarte à la citrouille

pumpkin pie

In French, the word for cranberry is la cannberge. According to this page on WordReference, the English word “cranberry” is used as an anglicism in Europe. Cranberry sauce in French is la sauce de canneberge.

la sauce de canneberge

cranberry sauce

Historically, there were two main groups in the first Thanksgiving: les pèlerins (pilgrims) and les Amérindiens (Native Americans).

les pèlerins


les Amérindiens

Native Americans

Main dishes

  • la dinde turkey
  • la farce stuffing
  • la purée mashed potatoes
  • la sauce au jus de viande gravy
  • le jambon ham
  • le chevreuil venison

Side dishes

  • la courge (f) squash
  • la sauce de canneberge cranberry sauce
  • le pain de maïs corn bread
  • le petit pain roll
  • le ragoût aux haricots verts green bean casserole
  • les feuilles de chou cavalier collard greens
  • les ignames (f) yams
  • les pâtes au fromage macaroni and cheese


  • la tarte à la citrouille pumpkin pie
  • la tarte à la noix de pécan pecan pie
  • la tarte à la patate douce sweet potato pie
  • la tarte aux cerises cherry pie
  • la tarte aux pommes apple pie
  • la tartelette fourrée de fruits secs mince pie
French Thanksgiving Vocabulary List

Historical terms

  • la Nouvelle-Angleterre New England
  • la récolte harvest
  • la tribu Wampanoag Wampanoag Tribe
  • le Nouveau Monde the New World
  • les Amérindiens Native Americans
  • les colonies (f) colonies
  • les colons (m) Colonists
  • les pèlerins (m) pilgrims
  • les Puritains Puritans
  • un pacte treaty

More Thanksgiving vocabulary

  • l’automne (m) autumn, fall
  • la circulation traffic
  • la famille family
  • la reconnaissance, gratitude gratitude
  • le défilé parade
  • le dernier jeudi de novembre the last Thursday of November
  • les fêtes de fin d’année holiday season
  • les feuilles d’automne autumn leaves
  • un match de football américain football game
  • une citrouille, un potiron pumpkin
  • une réunion de famille a family gathering

Thanksgiving verbs

  • bien manger, festoyer to feast, have a good meal
  • découper la dinde to carve the turkey
  • être reconnaissant to be grateful
  • faire le pont to take a long weekend
  • partager to share
  • réunir la famille to unite the family

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French vocabulary | Lessons by David Issokson

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David Issokson
David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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