On this page you’ll find a list of French astronomy vocabulary words. We’ve also included the the names of planets in our solar system. These terms are very similar to English. This is especially true for the names of the plants. The reason that astronomy terms in both English and French are derived from Latin and Greek.
- l’astronomie astronomy
- l’espace (m) space
- l’étoile (f) star
- l’astre (m) star
- l’astronome (m&f) astronomer
- l’astronaute (m&f) astronaut
- le vaisseau spatial spaceship
- l’univers (m) universe
- la galaxie galaxy
- Mercure Mercury
- Vénus Venus
- le système solaire solar system
- la constellation constellation
- la planète planet
- Terre Earth
- Mars Mars
- Jupiter Jupiter
- Saturne Saturne
- Uranus Uranus
- Neptune Neptune
- Pluton Pluto
- la comète comet
- le météore meteor
- la météorite meteorite
- l’astéroïde (m) asteroid
- la nébuleuse nebula
- la lune moon
- le soleil sun
- le télescope telescope