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Dining room vocabulary

Dining room vocabulary

La salle à manger

On this page you will find a list of useful vocabulary words for the dining room in French. The French people take great pride in eating with groups of family and friends at the table. Most evening meals can be very elaborate and include up to five servings. If you are a guest in a French family’s home for a formal meal it’s a very good idea to be familiar with these terms.

Dining room

Room and furniture

  • la salle à manger dining room
  • la table table
  • la chaise chair
  • le siège seat

Dishes and silverware

  • la vaisselle dishes
  • les couverts cutlery/silverware
  • l’assiette plate dinner plate
  • l’assiette à soupe soup bowl
  • l’assiette à dessert side plate
  • la fourchette fork
  • la cuiller à soupe soup spoon
  • le couteau knife
  • le verre tumbler/glass
  • le verre à vin wine glass
  • le bol bowl
  • l’assiette plate
  • la verrerie glassware
  • le coquetier egg cup
  • la tasse à thé tea cup
  • la tasse à café coffee cup
  • la grande tasse mug

The table

  • la nappe tablecloth
  • le poivre pepper
  • le sel salt
  • le couvert place setting
  • la serviette napkin
  • le rond de serviette napkin ring
  • le pot jug
  • la théière teapot
  • la cafetière French coffee press


  • le petit déjeuner breakfast
  • le déjeuner lunch
  • le dîner dinner
  • le repas – meal
  • le set de table place mat


  • l’hôte host
  • l’hôtesse hostess
  • l’invité guest


  • être rassasié to be full
  • mettre la table to set the table
  • avoir faim to be hungry
  • servir to serve manger to eat

Things to say

  • Mes compliments au chef! my complements to the chef!
  • C’est délicieux! It’s delicious!

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French vocabulary | Lessons by David Issokson

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David Issokson
David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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