What are the times of the day in French?
In French, the parts of the day are: l’aube (dawn), le matin (the morning), l’après-midi (the afternoon), le crépuscule (dusk), le soir (the evening). This page provides a complete list of the various times of the day in French.
Phrases and vocabulary
- The day le jour
- the day, duration of time la journée
- I work all day. Je travaille toute la journée.
- morning le matin
- I left this morning. Je suis parti ce matin.
- Morning, duration of time la matinée
- I sleep all morning. Je dors toute la matinée.
- At noon À midi
- Noon midi
- Afternoon l’après-midi
- The evening le soir
- Evening, duration of time la soirée
- There’s meeting this evening. Il y a une réunion ce soir.
- I danced all evening. J’ai dansé toute la soirée.
- Night nuit
- Midnight minuit
- Today aujourd’hui
- Today is Monday. Aujourd’hui c’est lundi.
- Yesterday hier
- Yesterday was Sunday. Hier, c’était dimanche.
- Yesterday/last night hier soir
- Tomorrow demain
- Tomorrow is Tuesday. Demain c’est mardi.
- Tomorrow morning demain matin
- Everyday tous les jours
- Every morning tous les matins