The French expression “ne pas etre sorti de l’auberge” translates directly to “not having left the inn”. However, in the context of this expression the word auberge means prison.
English meanings:
- not be out of the woods
- still have a lot of ground to cover
French meanings:
- avoir encore fort à faire – to still have a great deal to do
- loin d’être fini – far from over
Je suis désolé, mon cher pasager. La route devient de plus et plus etroite et cahoteuse. On n’est pas sortis de l’auberge! I’m sorry, my dear passenger. The road is becoming more and more narrow and bumpy. We’re still not out of the woods!
Synonymous expressions:
- sorti du bois – out of the woods (Canadian)
- ne pas être au bout de ses peines – not to be out of the woods
- tiré d’affaire – to be in the clear, off the hook