Lexique de la géographie On this page you’ll find an extensive list of French geographical vocabulary. The list covers the names of oceans, continents, relief terms and words used to describe the globe. Planet earth – la planète Terre Continents – les continents (m) Compass points – les points cardinaux Relief – le relief The …
David Issokson
In French, il faut can cause a lot of frustration among beginner students. It is frequently used and can translate to: To be necessary, needed and to have to. This post explains precisely how to use il faut and provides example sentences with audio.
The French word “n’importe” has several translations and usages, with the underlying meaning being “any”. “N’importe is used in many expressions. Many of the are based on combining “n’importe with question words. French expressions with “n’importe” Common expressions using “n’importe”: These expressions are extremely useful in daily conversation. Here are some example sentences. In English …
In French au revoir (pronounced oh-ruh-vwahr) means goodbye, bye and farewell. It is the most formal way of saying good-bye. In this post we’ll closely examine the pronunciation of au revoir, salut vs. au revoir and look at some related expressions. Au revoir Good-bye Au revoir Before we go any further let’s have a closer …
In French, the world “quelque” means “some” and is used for English equivalent expressions which start with “some” such as “something”. These are referred to as “indefinite” words or expressions. How to use “quelque” in French and form indefinite expressions French indefinite expressions Example sentences using indefinite expressions Note that in French were “some” precedes …