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Do you ever like to talk about your dreams with your friends? Here’s a great quick French lesson where you can ask questions and chat about your dreams. Click here for downloadable PDF. You can also try this conversation lesson with me at no cost by contacting me!

  1. Êtes‐vous quelqu’un de créatif? Oui ou non et pourquoi? Are you a creative person? Yes or no and why?
  2. Avez‐vous accompli quelque chose de creatif dans la vie? Have you accomplished something creative in life?
  3. Est‐ce bien d’etre creatif? Oui ou non et pourquoi? Is it a good thing to be creative? Yes or no and why?
  4. Comment peut‐on être creatif? What are some ways that a person can be creative?
  5. Aimez‐vous prendre des risques? Oui ou non et pourquoi? Do you like to take risks? Yes or no and why?
  6. Qu’est‐ce que vous aimeriez inventer pour améliorer la vie? What would you like to invent to improve life?
  7. À votre avis est‐ce que la confiance en soi influence la créativité? In your opinion does self‐confidence have an impact on creativity?
  8. À votre avis quels facteurs influencent la créativité des enfants? In your opinion which factors influence creativity among children?
  9. À votre avis est‐ce que les écoles dans votre pays encouragent la créativité? In your opinion do the schools in your country encourage creativity?
  10. Pensez‐vous que les gens sont nés avec le talent créatif ou ils dévelopent la créativité avec le temps? Do you think people are born with creative talent or they develop creativity with time?
  11. Quelles activités créatives est‐ce que vous faisiez quand vous étiez un enfant? What creative activities did you do when you were a child?
  12. Comment est‐ce qu’on peut promouvoir créativité dans le milieu de travail? How can we promote creativity in the work place?
  13. Pouvez‐vous penser à un business créatif que vous aimeriez lancer? Can you think of a creative business that you’d like to start?
  14. Pouvez‐vous nommer des artistes ou des gens connus qui sont créatifs? Can you name any artists or famous people who are creative?
  15. Dans votre profession qui sont les gens les plus créatifs? In your profession who are the most creative people?

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site,, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

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