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How Often

In daily conversation on of the things we like to ask each other is “how often” we do things. Please find below a complete list of “how often” questions which you can use for French conversation practice.

  1. Comment souvent vas-tu chez le dentiste? Aimes‐tu aller chez le dentiste? How often do you go to the dentist? Do you like to go to the dentist?
  2. Comment souvent vas-tu chez le médecin? How often do you go to the doctor’s office?
  3. Comment souvent vas-tu au salon de coiffure? How often do you go to the hairdresser’s?
  4. Comment souvent fais-tu les courses? How often do you go grocery shopping?
  5. Comment souvent remplaces-tu ta voiture? How often do you replace your car?
  6. Comment souvent laves-tu ta voiture? How often do you wash your car?
  7. Comment souvent sors-tu avec tes amis? Où vas‐tu? How often do you go out with your friends? Where do you go?
  8. Comment souvent vas-tu au cinéma? How often do you go to the movies?
  9. Comment souvent assistes-tu à une soirée? How often do you go to a house party?
  10. Comment souvent te rends-tu visite à tes parents et à tes enfants? How often do you visit your parents or kids?
  11. Comment souvent fais-tu un voyage? How often do you take a trip?
  12. Comment souvent fais-tu une promenade? How often do you take a walk?
  13. Comment souvent vas-tu à la campagne? How often do you go to the countryside?
  14. Comment souvent commences-tu à apprendre quelque chose de nouveau? How often do you start learning something new?
  15. Comment souvent enseignes-tu un sujet? How often do you teach?
  16. Comment souvent joures-tu avec les enfants? How often do you play with kids?
  17. Comment souvent est‐ce que tu écoutes la musique ou joues de la musique? How often do you listen to or play music?
  18. Comment souvent est‐ce que tu lis des romans? Aimes‐tu la lecture? How often do you read novels? Do you like reading?
  19. Comment souvent est‐ce que tu fais du sport ou des exercises? Quels sports aimes‐tu? How often do you do sports? Which sports do you like?
  20. Comment souvent est‐ce que tu achètes les nouveaux vêtements? How often do you buy clothes?
  21. Comment souvent est‐ce que tu ranges ta chambre? How often do you tidy your bedroom?
  22. Comment souvent est‐ce que tu nettoies ta maison? How often do you clean your house?
  23. Comment souvent est‐ce que tu regardes les informations (news)? Aimes‐tu regarder les infos? How often do you watch the news? Do you like watching the news?
  24. Comment souvent est‐ce que tu regardes Facebook? Aimes‐tu poster les choses sur ce site? How often do you look at Facebook? Do you like you like posting things on this site?
  25. Comment souvent est‐ce que tu regardes ton téléphone portable? How often do you look at your cell phone?
  26. Comment souvent est‐ce que tu regardes ton e‐mail? Aimes‐tu lire les méls? How often do you look at your e-mail? Do you like to read e-mails?

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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