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One of the most exciting things to do in life is take a trip. Here you’ll find a complete French conversation lesson with questions all about different trips you’ve taken. Click here for the downloadable PDF and contact me to try this lesson via Skype!

  1. As‐tu déjà voyagé dans ton pays de naissance? Quels endroits est‐ce que tu as visité? Have you traveled in the country where you were born? Which places have you visited?
  2. As‐tu déjà voyagé à l’étranger? Quels pays est‐ce que tu as visité? Have you traveled abroad? Which countries have you visited?
  3. Combien de pays as‐tu visité? Combien d’états ou provinces (au Canada)? How many countries have you visited? How many states and Canadian provinces have you visited?
  4. As-tu deja voyagé dans un pays francophone ou tu as pu utiliser ton francais? Have you ever traveled to a French speaking country where you could use your French?
  5. Apprends-tu le francais avec l’objectif de faire des voyages? Are you learning French with the goal to travel?
  6. As‐tu récemment voyagé? Où es‐tu allé(e)? Have you taken a trip recently? Where did you go?
  7. Où est‐ce que tu iras pendant tes prochaines vacances? Avec qui est‐ce que tu voyageras et combien de temps vas‐tu passer dans l’endroit? Where will you go for your next vacation? Who
  8. will you travel with and how long will you spend there?
  9. As‐tu fait des voyages quand tu étais un(e) enfant? Où es‐tu allé(e)? Did you travel when you were a child? Where did you go?
  10. As‐tu déjà voyagé dans ta propre région? Connais‐tu bien la région où tu habites? Have you traveled in the region where you live? Do you know the region well?
  11. Quand as‐tu fait ton premier voyage à l’étranger? As‐tu eu peur de quitter ton pays la première fois? When did you take your first trip overseas? Were you afraid to leave your country for the first time?
  12. As‐tu déjà fait un voyage tout(e) seul(e)? Où es‐tu allé(e) et as‐tu eu peur de voyager seul(e)? Have you ever taken a trip alone? Where did you go and were you afraid to travel alone?
  13. Aimerais‐tu passer le reste de ta vie à l’étranger? Would you like to spend the rest of your life abroad?
  14. Peux‐tu te rappeler d’un voyage que tu as vraiment aimé? Où es‐tu allé(e)? Can you remember a trip that you really liked? Where did you go?
  15. Peux‐tu te rappeler d’un voyage que tu n’as pas aimé? Ou est‐tu allé(e)? Can you remember a trip that you didn’t like? Where did you go?
  16. Préfères‐tu voyager seul(e) où dans un groupe avec un guide? Pourquoi? Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group with a guide?
  17. As‐tu déjà fait un voyage en train? Où es-tu allé? As‐tu aimé le train? Have you ever traveled by train? Where did you go? Did you like the train?
  18. Aimes‐tu prendre l’avion ou as-tu en a peur? Do you like to take airplane or are you afraid?
  19. T’es-tu déjà perdu(e) au voyage? Raconte l’histoire! Have you ever gotten lost on a trip? Tell the story!
  20. As‐tu déjà fait de l’auto‐stop? Raconte l’aventure! Have you ever done hitch-hiking? Tell the adventure!
  21. Préfères‐tu voyager avec peu ou beaucoup de baggages? Do you prefer to travel with little or a lot of luggage?
  22. Aimes‐tu faire du camping et faire de la randonnée? Où as tu fait un tel voyage? Do you like camping or hiking? Where have you taken such a trip?
  23. Quels pays rêves‐tu encore de visiter dans ta vie? Quels pays est‐ce que tu n’aimerais pas visiter? Which countries do you still dream of visiting in your lifetime? Which countries do you not want to visit?
  24. Que dois-tu apporter quand tu visites un pays étranger? What do you have to bring with you when you visit a foreign country?
  25. Quelle est ta ville préférée? Quand as‐tu visité cette ville? Aimerais‐tu vivre là‐bas? What is your favorite city? When did you visit this city? Would you like to live there?
  26. Aimes‐tu acheter des souvenirs quand tu voyages? Qu’aimes-tu acheter? Do you like to buy souvenirs when you travel? What do you like to buy?
  27. Quel est l’endroit le plus beau que tu aies visité? What’s the most beautiful country that you’ve visited?
  28. As‐tu déjà fait une croisière? Où es‐tu allé(e)? Have you ever taken a cruise? Where did you go?
  29. Aimes‐tu revisiter les mêmes endroits? Do you like to travel back to the same places?
  30. As‐tu déjà voyagé en première classe? Have you ever traveled in first class?
  31. En général où vont les gens de ton pays vont en vacances? In general, where do people from your country go for vacation?
  32. Habites‐tu dans une région touristique? D’où viennent les touristes qui visitent ta région? Do you live in a touristic region? Where do the people come from who visit your area?
  33. Si tu avais $100,000 et tu pouvais aller n’importe où, où est‐ce que tu irais? If you had $100,00 and you could go anywhere, where would you go?

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site,, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

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