This is a list of the top-ranking university and college French major and minor programs in the United States.

25 Best French Major Programs in the United States
Brigham Young University
Study French at the French Studies Department of BYU. Visit the faculty’s website for information about courses and academic programs. Undergraduate degrees include a BA in French studies and French teaching as well as a minor in French and French teaching. Graduate degrees include an MA in French Studies. The David M. Kennedy Center for International studies offers wide variety of study-abroad opportunities all over the world.
Address: 150 Bulldog Blvd, Provo, UT, Attn: Department of French and Italian
Telephone: (801) 422-2209
Bryn Mawr College
Bryn Mawr College offers one of the best French programs in the country with graduates going on to work in fields such as international relations, law and public health. Every year but one over the past 15 years a graduate has been awarded Fulbright Teaching Assistantships in France. The school offers intensive and effect French training courses which are taught by faculty members and not graduate assistants. Courses range from intensive beginners and intermediate French to advanced literature and translation. Visit the school’s website to learn about its B.A and M.A programs, requirements, course descriptions, faculty and the study-abroad program in Avignon, France.
Address: Bryn Mawr College, Department of French and Francophone Studies, 101 N Merion Ave, Bryn Mawr, PA
Telephone: (610) 526-5388
City College of San Francisco
French language courses at CCSF. The CCSF Language Center offers a language lab with audio and video resources with high-speed Internet connections. Find information on classes, placement tests, languages lab, language-learning and cultural links on the faculty’s website.
Address: 50 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA
Tel: (415) 452-5555
Columbia University
Study French at the Department of French and Romance Philology at Columbia University. Established in 1890, Columbia’s French faculty has continued to attract many of the top French and Francophone studies scholars from all over the world. Visit the department’s website to find information on undergraduate and graduate (master’s and Ph.D) degrees, placement tests, courses, the summer program and study-abroad opportunities in Paris.
Address: 515 Philosophy Hall, Mail Code 4902, Columbia University, 1150 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10027
Telephone: (212) 854-2500
Drury University
Drury University offers an undergraduate major and minor in French with a focus on the cultural and literary traditions of the French language. Students can also take a semester abroad at in Poitiers, France. Visit the faculty’s website for course descriptions, faculty information and application information.
Address: 900 North Benton Avenue, Springfield, MO, Attn: Department of Languages
Telephone: (417) 873-6957
Duke University
The Duke University Romance Studies Language Program offers a wide selection of French courses ranging from intensive elementary and intermediate classes to more advanced literature, culture and translation classes. The school puts a strong emphasis on students’ in-class participation and fostering the development of strong listening comprehension, speaking ability and cultural awareness. Visit the faculty’s website for full course descriptions, faculty and study-abroad program information.
Address: Duke University, 106 Languages Building, Campus Box 90257, Durham, NC 27708
Telephone: (919) 660-3126
Franklin & Marshall College
Study French at Franklin & Marshall. The French language program offers majors and minors and puts an emphasis on language, literature, and culture of France and the Francophone world. The program also puts emphasis on real-life learning situations and a fun learning environment by offering the chance to speak with French-speaking teaching assistants, dinners and opportunities to each in elementary schools. Visit the faculty’s website for information about the French Department’s curriculum, courses and study-abroad opportunities.
Address: 637 College Ave, Lancaster, PA, Attn: French Department
Telephone: (717) 291-4296
George Washington University
The French language program at George Washington University puts a strong emphasis on literature and students can obtain strong writing abilities in addition to being able to speak and understand French and Francophone culture and linguistic perspectives. Visit GWU’s website to learn about the school’s major and minor degrees in French Language, Literature and Culture, course descriptions, faculty members and study-abroad programs.
Address: Department of Romance, German, and Slavic Languages and Literatures, 801 22nd St. NW, Suite 513, Washington, DC 20052
Telephone: (202) 994-1202
Kenyon College
The Kenyon College Modern Languages and Literatures Department offers both an undergraduate major and minor in French. Courses include both beginners and intermediate intensive language instruction as well as advanced courses in literature, civilization and history. Visit the department’s website for course descriptions, faculty information and to find out about a wide range of study-abroad opportunities.
Address: Department of Modern Languages and Literature, Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio 43022
Telephone: (740) 427-500
Midlands Technical College
Midlands Technical College offers basic French I and French II classes as well as a Beginning Conversational French course in its Continuing Education program. The school also offers study abroad trips in southern France.
Address: 316 South Beltline Boulevard, Columbia, South Carolina
Tel: (803) 732-5256
New York University
Find a wide variety of courses in French and Francophone language, literature and civilization at both the undergraduate and graduate levels at NYU. Students can immerse themselves in a French cultural and linguistic environment among internationally known professors. Visit the faculty’s website for information about undergraduate and graduate degrees, the Center for French Civilization and Culture, Institute of French Studies and study-abroad opportunities in Paris for M.A. students.
Address: Department of French, New York University, 13 University Place, 6th floor, New York, NY 10003
Telephone: (212) 998-8700
Princeton University
Study French at the Department of French and Italian at Princeton. With professors from all over the world and a friendly department, Princeton’s undergraduate and graduate French programs put an emphasis on understanding culture in addition to excellent language instruction. Undergraduate French language classes are limited to only 13 students with many of the teachers being native speakers. For more information including complete course descriptions, financial support, requirements, the study-abroad program and faculty contacts please visit the department’s website.
Address: 303 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544
Tel: (609) 258 4500
Purdue University
Students will find a wide range of French language courses at Purdue University. The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures offers both undergraduate (majors and minors) and graduate (masters and Ph.D) degrees. Undergraduate courses range from elementary and intermediate French to advanced literature, civilization and much more. The graduate program covers subjects including language, literature, film, linguistics, Francophone studies and cultural studies. Fellowships are available. Purdue offers a wide variety of study-abroad opportunities including France, Moroco and Canada. For more information including full course descriptions, enrollment requirements and placement tests, scholarships and events please visit the department’s website.
Address: Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, Attn: Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Telephone: (765) 494-3828
Smith College
The Smith College French Studies department offers both a major and honors undergraduate degree. The department’s courses emphasizes language, literature and culture. Courses range from beginners and intermediate French to advanced grammar, literature, media, cinema and much more. Smith’s French department offers a junior year abroad program in Paris, France and Geneva, Switzerland. For complete course descriptions, faculty contact information and more details about the study-abroad program please visit the department’s website.
Address: Department of French Studies, Wright Hall 102, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063
Telephone: (413) 585-3360
University of California, Berekely
Study French literature, culture, and cinema, as well as French language and linguistics at Berkeley. Visit the faculty’s website for more information about the French Department, undergraduate majors and minors, the graduate program, study abroad program and faculty information.
Address: 4125 Dwinelle Hall, MC #2580, Berkeley, CA 94720
Telephone: (510) 642-2712
University of California, Los Angeles
The Department of French and Francophone Studies at UCLA offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees (M.A. and Ph.D) which focus on French literatures, cultures, and civilizations. The university offers undergraduate degrees in French & Linguistics as well as graduate degrees in Comparative Literature and Linguistics. Undergraduate courses range from beginners and intermediate French to literatures, culture, arts and society. The department all offers an undergraduate honors program which allows students to pursue research. UCLA’s French department study-abroad program offers students the opportunity to study for one year in Paris, Grenoble, Lyon, Poitiers, Toulouse, and Bordeaux, France. For information about enrollment and applications, placement tests, full course descriptions and faculty contacts please visit the department’s website.
Address: UCLA, Department of French & Francophone Studies, 212 Royce Hall, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA
Telephone: (310) 825-1145
University of Chicago
The UIC French program covers learning how to speak, read and understand the French language with students getting exposure to literature and cinema. Find information on the Basic Language Program, major and minor in Francophone Studies, graduate program and study abroad program on faculty’s website.
Address: 601 South Morgan (MC 315), Chicago, Illinois
University of Michigan
Study French at the University of Michigan’s Department of Romance Languages and Literatures. Areas of study combine speaking, reading and writing with history, politics, culture, customs and literature. The University of Michigan offers study clubs, a study-abroad program, a language resources center and summer program.
Address: 4108 modern languages building, 812 East Washington Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1275
Tel: (734) 764-5344
University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Study French language, culture and literature at the Department of Romance Languages at UNCG. Visit the faculty’s website for information about the schools undergraduate and graduate program as well as study abroad opportunities.
Address: 2321 Moore Humanities and Research Administration Building, UNCG, PO Box 26170, Greensboro, NC 27402-6170
Telephone: (336) 334 5655
University of Pennsylvania
The UPENN Department of Romance Languages offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees in French. Undergraduate students can select French as a major. Courses include elementary, intermediate and advanced French as well as literature, civilization and literature. UPENN’s Graduate Program in French Studies offers a 5-year Ph.D program. The program specializes in preparing students for college and university teaching and offers financial support. Study-abroad opportunities include summer programs in Cannes and Tours, France. Students can also spend a semester or year abroad in Paris or Lyon, France. For more information including full course descriptions, faculty contacts, financial aid, enrollment and placement exams please visit the department’s website.
Address: Department of Romance Languages, 521 Williams Hall, 255 S. 36th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305
Telephone: (215) 898-7429
University of Virginia
The University of Virginia has one of the top French language programs in the United States. Visit the French department’s website for information about undergraduate major and minor degrees as well as graduate master’s and Ph.D programs. The school offers study abroad opportunities in Lyon, France and Rabat, Morocco.
Address: 302 Cabell Hall, P.O. Box 400770, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4770
Telephone: (434) 924-7158
University of Tennessee
The Modern Foreign Language Programs at the University of Tennessee offers one of the nation’s leading French language program. Students can benefit from the department’s small size which allows for personal access to professors. Courses offered range from Elementary and Intermediate French to more advanced literature and civilization. Students can also become active in the school’s French club as well as take advantage of study-abroad programs both in France and Quebec, Canada. Visit the faculty’s website for complete course descriptions, study-abroad and application information.
University of Wisconsin, Madison
The University of Wisconsin offers both an undergraduate and graduate programs in French in the Department of French & Italian. Undergraduate students can chose a French major or minor with courses covering beginners and intermediate French, advanced conversation and composition, literature, civilization and much more. The university also offers a study-abroad program through the International Academic Programs Office. For more information about applications, placement tests, faculty contacts, full course descriptions, activities, the French House and tutoring please visit the department’s website.
Address: Department of French & Italian, 618 Van Hise Hall, 1220 Linden Drive, Madison, WI, 53706
Telephone: (608) 262-3941
Vassar College
The Department of French and Francophone Studies at Vassar College is one of the leading French programs in the country. The school offers a wide range of French courses ranging from elementary and intermediate French to literature, cinema, gendre studies and much more. Working with Wesleyan University, Vassar College offers a study-abroad program in Paris for students in their junior year. Visit the department’s website to learn more about its faculty, requirements, full course descriptions and study-abroad opportunities.
Address: Department of French and Francophone Studies, Chicago Hall – Box 705, Vassar College, 124 Raymond Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY 12604-0705
Telephone: (845) 437 5720
Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech offers high-quality Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts programs. The language faculty is known for being friendly and paying close attention to individual students. Find a dynamic curriculum covering French language, culture and civilization courses. Study abroad programs include Paris and Normandy, France and Senegal.
Address: Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0225
Telephone: (540) 231 5361
Wesleyan University
Wesleyan University offers one of the country’s leading French language programs. The university’s Department of Romance Languages & Literatures offers a French major which puts emphasis on students being able to fully function in a French-speaking language environment. Courses range from beginners and intermediate French to literature, history, culture, or society. The school strongly encourages students to participate in its study-abroad program in France, a program co-organized with Vassar College. For more information about the French major, course descriptions and faculty please visit the department’s website.
Address: Department of Romance Languages & Literatures, Wesleyan University, 300 High Street, Middletown, CT 06459
Telephone: (860) 685-2830
Williams College
The Williams College French programs offers a wide variety of French courses for all levels ranging from beginners and intermediate to advanced. The faculty’s approach covers many aspects to French and Francophone studies including history, literature and cinema in addition to reading, writing and speaking. Williams offers both a major in French Studies as well as a certificate. Visit the faculty’s website to learn more about course descriptions, requirements, faculty and application information.
Address: Center for Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Culture, Hollander Hall, 85 Mission Park Drive, Williamstown, MA 01267
Telephone: (413) 597 2391