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Reading Signs

Reading Signs

If you’re planning a trip to France one of the most important and basic things to learn is how to read signs. This is a brief list of the most important signs you’ll need to know.

French "fermé" sign
  • À Louer For Rent
  • À Vendre For Sale
  • Accueil Reception
  • Ascenseur Elevator/Lift
  • Attendez Ici Wait Here
  • Attention Au Chien! Beware Of Dog!
  • Attention! Caution!
  • Bienvenue! Welcome!
  • Caisse Cashier
  • Chaud! Hot!
  • Chemin Privé Private Way
  • Chiens Interdits No Dogs
  • Complet No vacancies/Full
  • Dames Women
  • Défence De Fumer No Smoking
  • Entrée Entrance
  • Entrée Interdit No Entrance
  • Fermé Closed
  • Fermer La Porte Close The Door
  • Fumeurs Smoking Area
  • Hommes Mens
  • Ne Pas Déranger Do Not Distrurb
  • Ne Pas Toucher Do Not Touch
  • Occupé In Use/Occupied
  • Ouvert Opened
  • Peinture Fraîche Fresh Paint
  • Photo Interdit No Pictures
  • Renseignements Information
  • Reservé Reserved
  • Salle D’Attente Waiting Room
  • Sortie Exit
  • Sortie De Secours Emergency Exit
  • Tirez Pull

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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